LFI Striker is a powerful framework designed to detect and exploit Local File Inclusion (LFI) vulnerabilities effortlessly, providing security professionals with a streamlined approach to identifying and exploiting these critical security flaws.
LFI, short for Local File Inclusion, represents a critical vulnerability that allows attackers to include and execute arbitrary files on a target server, potentially leading to unauthorized access and sensitive data exposure.
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| | | ___| |_ _| / ___| | |_ _ __ (_) | | __ ___
| | | |_ | | _____ \___ \ | __| | '__| | | | |/ / / _ \
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|_____| |_| |___| |____/ \__| |_| |_| |_|\_\ \___|
usage: java -jar LFI-Striker.jar -i <input_file_path> [-d <delay_time_ms>]
`-d,--delay <arg>` Delay time in milliseconds
`-i,--input <arg>` Input file path
Basic install from releases
You can download the latest release of LFI-Striker from the GitHub repository.
Initially, you'll need to download ParamFinder to obtain all domains and parameters for scanning.
[!] java -jar LFI-Strike.jar -i domains.txt
[!] java -jar LFI-Strike.jar -i domains.txt -d 1000
Payloads from -- > https://raw.githubusercontent.com/capture0x/LFI-FINDER/main/lfi.txt
Use Java 11 to avoid errors.