Computer Architecture Lab - Assignments - Fall 2023
This repository contains the System Verilog code for an ARM processor. Follow the instructions below to create a project, set up the driver, and use SignalTab for monitoring signals.
- Open Quartus: File -> New -> New Quartus Project
- Choose a project name and set the top module name the same as the project name.
- Add File: Add -> Device Family: Cyclone II, Name Filter: EP2C35F672C6 -> Finish
- Assignment -> Import Assignments -> Choose DE2_pin_assignments.csv file.
- Add Code -> Compile -> Tools -> Programmer -> Select FPGA -> Hardware Setup: USB -> Start
- Open Device Manager.
- Locate USB-Blaster, right-click, and select Update Driver.
- Browse to C:/altera/quartus/drivers/usb-blaster.
- Open SignalTab: Tools -> SignalTab.
- Add Clock Signal:
- Filter: Design Entry: CLOCK_50
- Add/Ok
- Type: Conditional -> D.C.
- Add Conditional Signal:
- Filter: Design Entry: Select an output and condition
- Compile
- License Setup:
- Tools -> License Setup -> Internet Connectivity -> Talkback Options -> Enable -> Compile
- Trigger Condition:
- R.C. (e.g. Falling Edge)