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Engine for text games

How to use

Full documentation


import { TextGameEngine, Titles } from "./TextGameEngine.js";
const tge = new TextGameEngine();


const mainDiv = tge.init(titles: Titles, appendToBody: boolean);
  • titles - default: new Titles()
  • appendToBody - default: true
  • Returns main element.



Print text.

tge.print(text: string, newParagraph: boolean);
Parameter Default Description
text "" text to print
newParagraph false add space before text



Ask player for a number

const num = await tge.num(min: number | null, max: number | null, useChoose: boolean);
Parameter Default Description
min null Min number, null - no limit
max null Max number, null - no limit
useChoose true Use TextGameEngine.choose() if there are less then 16 int options



Ask player for a text

const num = await tge.text(min: number, max: number, allowSpaces: boolean, trimSpaces: boolean);
Parameter Default Description
min 0 Min text length
max -1 Max text length, -1 - no limit
allowSpaces true Allow typing spaces
trimSpaces true Trim spaces after finishing input



Ask player to choose one of the options

Returns index of chosen option

const index = await tge.choose(options: string[], everyAtNewLine: boolean, removeNotChosen: boolean);
Parameter Default Description
options Options to choose
everyAtNewLine false Show every option on new line
removeNotChosen false Remove not chosen options after choice



Pause the game for a while.

await tge.wait(seconds: number);
Parameter Default Description
seconds -1 Seconds to wait, -1 - until player tap continue button


Remove lines.

tge.clear(lineCount: number);
Parameter Default Description
lineCount -1 Line count to remove, -1 to remove all lines


Class that contain all titles. Used in TextGameEngine.init()

const titles = new Titles();
titles.title = "Name of your game";
const titles = new Titles(title, tapToCon);
Field Description
title Title at the top of the page
tapToCon Text "Tap to continue" when called TextGameEngine.wait with -1
version Engine version. Assign an empty string to remove version tag from page.

Text Formating

You can use special symbols in text to add colors and styles to your game.

Special symbols:

Symbol Meaning
&c Clear style
&b Bold style
&i Italic style
&u Underline style
&digit your style by this number (0-9) in styles
\& & symbol
^color^ Color
^number^ your style by this number in styles
\^ ^ symbol
[linkText:link] Link
\[text:text] Not link

Set your own styles and colors:

TextGameEngine.setStyles(styles: string[], useStyles: boolean)

Call before TextGameEngine.init if you want to use formatting in headers.

useStyles - default true, set to false to disable text formatting

Strings in styles can contain:

  • c - Clear style
  • b - Bold style
  • i - Italic style
  • u - Underline style
  • color in single quotes

Style string examples:

  • ui'red' - Underline, Italic, red
  • 'blue'i - Italic, blue
  • 'rgb(50, 220, 120)' - rgb(50, 220, 120) color
  • cb'#ffff00' - Clear privious styles, bold, #ffff00 color

Text without formating:

TextGameEngine.print("Hello world!");

Text without formating

Text with formating:

TextGameEngine.setStyles(["'lightgreen'", "cu'red'"]);
TextGameEngine.print("&0He^yellow^&ullo&c &b&iworld&1!");

Text with formating

TextGameEngine.print("&0Hello &uworld!");

Text with formating

Change Colors

All colors are in the first lines of the css file.

/* TextGameEngine-styles.css */
.theme-light {
	--color-back--: antiquewhite;
	--color-input--: white;
	--color-main--: #b5f392;
	--color-text--: black;
	--color-link--: blue;
	--color-choosen-option--: lightgreen;
.theme-dark {
	--color-back--: #0d1418;
	--color-input--: #0b2a3d;
	--color-main--: #0f9e38;
	--color-text--: white;
	--color-link--: #00ffff;
	--color-choosen-option--: darkgreen;

Add information

You can add any html element to the info popup

Get element where you can add yours

const infDiv = tge.getInfDiv();

Open info popup, for example on start

