If you press something on the keyboard it will return unicode code on the keyboard.
- CSS3
- JavaScript (ES6+)
- Dmitri Pavlutin: What every JavaScript developer should know about Unicode
- flaviocopes: Unicode in JavaScript
- Mathias Bynens: JavaScript’s internal character encoding: UCS-2 or UTF-16?
- Bringing `KeyboardEvent.key` and `KeyboardEvent.keyCode` Altogether for the Best Keyboard Interaction Experience
- MDN: KeyboardEvent
- MDN: String.prototype.charCodeAt()
- CSS Tricks: KeyboardEvent Value (keyCodes, metaKey, etc)
- Medium: Difference Between ASCII and Unicode
- Stackoverflow: What's the difference between ASCII and Unicode?
- Stackoverflow: JavaScript KeyCode vs CharCode
- Stackoverflow: .keyCode vs. .which
- Stackoverflow: KeyboardEvent.keyCode deprecated. What does this mean in practice?
- JavaScript Madness: Keyboard Events
- What’s New with KeyboardEvents? Keys and Codes!
- W3C: UI Events KeyboardEvent key Values
- w3C: UI Events KeyboardEvent code Values