Circuit Continuous Integration Bot for Jenkins
- equivalent to Jenkins E-Mail Notification plugin
- searches the history of a conversation for a topic matching the job name
- or creates a new topic if nothing shows up
- posts the job status if the job fails or if it recovers and is back to stable
- sends a message to a conversation
- at a given time (using Jenkins cron config)
- if a given condition is met (bind a variable to the send field)
- proxy support for HTTP proxies
- smiley support using Circuit image tags
Following steps describe how to integrate the CIBot into your Jenkins.
Ensure you have JDK Maven and Git installed
Clone the repository: git clone
Build plugin: mvn install
To install the plugin copy cibot.hpi to JENKINS_HOME/plugins. Restart the Jenkins afterwards.
- Navigate to the Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins page in the web UI.
- Click on the Advanced tab.
- Choose the .hpi file under the Upload Plugin section.
- Upload the plugin file.
Refer to the official Jenkins documentation how to handle plugins if you need support:
Navigate to Jenkins > configuration > system > "Circuit Settings for Notification" / "Circuit Settings for Messaging". Adapt configuration to your needs. Leave empty if not Proxy is required.
Navigate to Job > configuration > add CircuitBot as a new Post-Build-Action
- The Conversation ID: If you are using Ciruit from Web copy the ID from the URL. If you are using the Circuit client right-click on the conversation, select copy link to conversation and extract the ID.
- The username: Username of Jenkins Bot.
- The password: Username of Jenkins Bot. Messaging Plugin only:
- Send it: yes or no. Defines if Bot is enabled or disabled.
- Message: Content of the message.
Either to to Circuit Developer Community and request a sandbox:
Contact your company Circuit admin.
- there should be a REST call to query subjects/topics on a conversation, the only thing that works right now is to search for the last 100 text items and then filter for text items with a subject field
- there should be a way to query conversations by title, the full text search brings them up but it triggers as well if the search tag is in the text messages
- better REST responses e.g. “404 conversation with ID 123 not found”