Methea is a framework providing authentication and access management for your Spring Boot Application
with minimum configuration, specifically for RESTful Webservice
with JWE
. No need to deal with users and permission stuffs.
Methea also provide UI Management Tool which is allows you to control & configure your system. (Under Developement)
Methea build on top of following frameworks:
- Java 17 or above JDK as JAVA_HOME
- Maven as its build tool.
- Keystore generator
How to build
- Simply by checkout source code from our repository and using maven command
mvn clean install
to build framework.
Support with Spring Boot 3.1.0
and later version of Spring Boot.
- Account - refer to company or organization
- Group - refer to department/team in organization
- JWTConfig - use for config JWT properties, such as expire datetime
- Permission - Bind with roles & resources
- Public Permission - Public resources must map into this table
- Resource - All endpoint in this systems
- Role - User role
- User - User information
Adding dependency to your spring boot application
<dependency> <groupId>io.github.metheax</groupId> <artifactId>auth</artifactId> <version>0.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version> </dependency>
Config datasource of your choice
- Please note that currently, we're testing only with PostgreSQL
Adding spring-boot components scan
@SpringBootApplication(scanBasePackages = {"io.github.metheax", "your-reverse-domain"}) @EnableJpaRepositories(basePackages = {"io.github.metheax", "your-reverse-domain"}) @EntityScan(basePackages = {"io.github.metheax", "your-reverse-domain"}) public class MetheaHostApplication { public static void main(String[] args) {, args); } }`
Load pre-define data into your database
INSERT INTO public.core_account (account_id, created_date_time, created_user, status, updated_date_time, updated_user, account_address, account_code, account_email, account_name, account_name_oth) VALUES ('68bcf443-1b0c-49ff-877e-8650477383e8', '2021-06-13 10:57:36.711763', 'System', 'A', '2021-07-10 15:18:42.808053', 'admin', 'Phnom Penh, Cambodia.', 'METHEA', '', 'Methea LLC.', 'មេធា'); INSERT INTO public.core_group (group_id, created_date_time, created_user, status, updated_date_time, updated_user, group_code, group_name, group_name_oth, remarks, account_id) VALUES ('366a7028-b623-49b0-8988-d711647051a5', '2021-06-13 10:57:36.729797', 'System', 'A', '2021-06-13 10:57:36.729797', 'System', 'M_SYS_ADMIN', 'System Admin', 'អេតមីនប្រព័ន្ធ', null, '68bcf443-1b0c-49ff-877e-8650477383e8'); INSERT INTO public.core_resource (resource_id, created_date_time, created_user, status, updated_date_time, updated_user, resource_name) VALUES ('ad5ea55c-547a-4537-8797-e3714c64d8a3', '2021-06-13 10:57:36.748761', 'System', 'A', '2021-06-13 10:57:36.748761', 'System', '/**'); INSERT INTO public.core_role (role_id, created_date_time, created_user, status, updated_date_time, updated_user, role_code, name, name_oth) VALUES ('33525a14-0ebc-4a3e-ada5-bd3ef94c9495', '2021-06-13 10:57:36.742761', 'System', 'A', '2021-06-13 10:57:37.016415', 'System', 'ROLE_ADMIN', 'Admin', 'អេតមីន'); INSERT INTO public.core_user (user_id, created_date_time, created_user, status, updated_date_time, updated_user, email, first_name, first_name_oth, frc_usr_rst_pwd, identity_code, last_name, last_name_oth, password, phone, username, group_id) VALUES ('c6eff227-d496-486c-a72c-db2f92e06faa', '2021-06-13 10:57:37.015455', 'System', 'A', '2021-06-13 10:57:37.015455', 'System', '', 'Admin', 'អេតមីន', 'N', '639691', 'Admin', 'អេតមីន', 'Gp/lBVv1VTKk3DLGiENtX4Ow1xLEUqIDRBpa+zuTJWT3IIqfC4m0SB1tpVDo1+BQHFnY90XmvbJE1JAMDfRSmA$vkDevdjMM9v+/BonOi6HX/+v3Syh5mrSMXssz5707LSlOrCiIj3O7Q50bg7mLeCl6GYKhad7GGQi7CKvP1KqnbvtS2eZMFevVHsYHsQD2UeMQqiP7nAQ1z12ZHMNc5QckXZgUPMqetTzhJMzDduJ9+nOrC3HlqSo43VoMg0k+EA', '+85569639691', 'admin', '366a7028-b623-49b0-8988-d711647051a5'); INSERT INTO public.core_user_roles (user_id, role_id) VALUES ('c6eff227-d496-486c-a72c-db2f92e06faa', '33525a14-0ebc-4a3e-ada5-bd3ef94c9495'); INSERT INTO public.core_permission (permission_id, created_date_time, created_user, status, updated_date_time, updated_user, resource_id, role_id) VALUES ('bdee9930-cbde-4e62-96d8-91df821a698b', '2021-06-13 10:57:36.763762', 'System', 'A', '2021-06-13 10:57:36.763762', 'System', 'ad5ea55c-547a-4537-8797-e3714c64d8a3', '33525a14-0ebc-4a3e-ada5-bd3ef94c9495');
Generate keystore for access token and refresh token
- We recommend using KeyStore Explorer to generate key store
- Place keystore under
directory asresources/keystore
- Use below configuration in your
keystore-token-file= classpath:keystore/test.pfx keystore-token-password= 12345 keystore-token-alias= test keystore-key-token-password= 12345 keystore-refresh-token-file= classpath:keystore/test.pfx keystore-refresh-token-password= 12345 keystore-refresh-token-alias= test keystore-key-refresh-token-password= 12345
Sample project
- Still have doubt on how to integrate, here is our sample project
If you encounter any issues regarding this project, please create a GitHub Issue. Email me
If you need special support or customize for your organization.