I am an imigrant from Armenia who is working hard to achieve greatness. I am currently a senior student at UCSD with a GPA of ~3.6 I enjoy programming recreationally, meaning that I creat eprojects I am interested in and although I may not finish most of them, I always learn a lot through this process. Additionally, I like video games and have played chess professionally.
By using this library I have found that it is very intuitive and light in it's contents. Using this library, I have created multiple interest projects such as a game of life simulator, and I am currently working on a role playing game inspired by my favorite story of all time: Re:Zero
This is a very simple tool for drawing graphs which are studied and CS and Graph Theory.
REPO: https://github.com/MerujSargsyan/GraphVIS -
Contributed heavly, creating a completely new and helpful feature for Latex compatability
REPO: https://github.com/flapjs/vanilla - Personal memory allocator Created a memory allocator during CSE 29 class at UCSD. LINK: https://cse29sp24.github.io/docs/pas/pa5.html (I was not allowed to create a public repo)
I am always reachable through the email: sargsyanmeruzhan48@gmail.com