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This project is heavily reference from the obs-headless. And wrap the obs-studio with node-addon-api to used by NodeJs application.

This project will prebuild the obs-studio with DISABLE_UI mode, and as well as the node wrapper. Prebuild libs will upload to the github packages.

While the package is installed from github, prebuild libs will also be downloaded from github packages. without the need to build from user machine. Currently windows(64bit), macos, linux (ubuntu20.04) is supported.

Windows build requirements

Visual Studio 2019
Windows 10 SDK (minimum 10.0.19041.0)


  1. Build prebuild libs for macos/linux
    bash scripts/ <all/obs-studio/obs-node>
  2. Build prebuild libs for windows
    scripts/build-windows.cmd <all/obs-studio/obs-node>
  3. Upload to github packages
    npm run upload

Docker env

Sometimes, there is a need to build/test linux prebuilds in the local machine (MacOS), a docker env is provided in the project. Run

bash docker/

to run and attach the docker env.