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Merge pull request #11 from MeierTobias/lectures/week10
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MeierTobias authored May 14, 2024
2 parents ae222ee + b1fe041 commit 1751c87
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Showing 8 changed files with 362 additions and 13 deletions.
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions src/BSB/freq_weights_example.tex
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance=1.5cm,>=latex']
\node [input, name=uinput] (uinput) {};
\node [tmp, right of=uinput] (ut) {};
\node [block, right of=ut] (P) {$P(s)$};
\node [block, above of=P] (W) {$W(s)$};
\node [output, right of=P] (y) {};
\node [output, right of=W] (z) {};

\draw [->] (rinput) -- node[pos=0.2]{$u$} (P);
\draw [->] (ut) |- node{} (W);
\draw [->] (P) -- node{$y$} (y);
\draw [->] (W) -- node{$z$} (z);
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/images/controller_synthesis_paradigm.png
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/images/frequency_weights.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/images/youlas_Q_parameterization.png
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/main.tex
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Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@

% load the template headers
\input{\templatePath/summary_headers.tex} % ChkTex 27

Expand All @@ -23,6 +22,7 @@

Expand Down
327 changes: 327 additions & 0 deletions src/sections/modern_controller_synthesis.tex
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@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
\section{Modern Controller Synthesis}
To unify the controller synthesis the following standard form has been established.


\includegraphics[width=0.5\linewidth, align=c]{controller_synthesis_paradigm.png}
$u$: & control input \\
$y$: & measured output \\
$r$: & reference signal \\
$w$: & disturbance \\
$z$: & performance output \\
$q$: & uncertainty block input \\
$v$: & uncertainty block output


The objective is to stabilize the system and minimize the performance outputs $z$.

\subsection{Frequency Weights}

To guide the optimization process the performance outputs $z_i$ are weighted with frequency dependent weighting functions $W_i$.

The most common performance outputs are

\ptitle{Tracking Error}

Is given by
z_1=W_1 G_{er} = W_1 S(s)
with the sensitivity function $S(s)$ and the loop transfer function $L(s)$:
S(s)=G_{er}(s) = {(I+L(s))}^{-1} \\
\item If $W_1(s)$ is chosen large at low frequencies $S(s)$ must be small in order to minimize $z_1$. In other words, the tracking error must be small at low frequencies.
\item This is the same as requiring $\sigma_{\min}[L(s)] \gg |W_1(s)|$, which corresponds to the low-frequency ``Bode obstacle'' in the SISO case.


\ptitle{Control Effort}

Is given by
z_2=W_2 G_{ur}(s) = W_2 C(s) S(s)
\item Useful to limit the maximum control effort


\ptitle{Noise Rejection}

Is given by
z_3= W_3 G_{yn} =-W_3 T(s)
with the complementary sensitivity function
T(s) = G_{yr}(s)={(I+L(s))}^{-1}L(s) = I-S(s)
\item If $W_3$ is chosen very large for high frequencies, the complementary sensitivity must be very small at high frequencies.
\item This is the same as requiring $\sigma_{\max}[L(s)] \ll |W_3(s)|$, which corresponds to the high-frequency ``Bode obstacle'' in the SISO case.


\ptitle{Stability Robustness}

For stability robustness in the presence of uncertainty $\Delta$ the same weighting method can be applied.
z_\Delta = \Delta(s)W_\Delta(s)
\|\Delta(s)\|_{\mathcal{H}_\infty} < 1 \\
\|M(s)\|_{\mathcal{H}_\infty} < 1
where $M(s)$ is the TF from the output of $\delta$ ti its input.

\subsubsection{First Order Weights}
W(s) = \frac{M}{\frac{Ms}{\omega}+1}

W(s) = \frac{Ms}{s+M\omega}

\subsection{State-Space Representation}
To synthesize a controller an assembled state space model of the generalized system ($G$) can be constructed.

P : \left[
\begin{array}{c|c} % ChkTex -2
A_p & B_p \\
\hline % ChkTex -2
C_p & D_p \\
\right] \\
P(s) = {C_p(sI-A_p)}^{-1}B_p+D_p

\ptitle{Frequency Weights}

For each weight we get
W : \left[
\begin{array}{c|c} % ChkTex -2
-p & 1 \\
\hline % ChkTex -2
r-qp & q
\right] \\
W(s) = \frac{qs+r}{s+p}

\ptitle{Generalized System}

The generalized system is obtained by stacking all the state-space models:
G : \left[
\begin{array}{c|c c} % ChkTex -2
A & B_w & B_u \\
\hline % ChkTex -2
C_z & D_{zw} & D_{zu} \\
C_y & D_{yw} & D_{yu}
\right] \\
G(s) = \begin{bmatrix}
G_{zw}(s) & G_{zu}(s) \\
G_{yw}(s) & G_{yu}(s) \\
The matrix $A$ contains both the dynamics of the plant and the frequency weights.

K : \left[
\begin{array}{c|c} % ChkTex -2
A_c & B_c \\
\hline % ChkTex -2
C_c & D_c \\
\right] \\
K(s) = {C_c(sI-A_c)}^{-1}B_c+D_c

The closed loop TF from the exogenous inputs $w$ to the performance outputs $z$ is given by the \textit{Linear Fractional Transformation}:
F(s) = G_{zw}(s) + G_{zu}(s)K(s){(I-G_{yu}(s))}^{-1}G_{yw}(s)

\begin{examplesection}[Example Assembly]
For the system
the generalized system $G(s)$ has to be calculated
y \\
= \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix}
G_{yu}(s) \\
\end{bmatrix}}_{G(s)} u
The combined states evolve with
\dot{x}_p \\
= \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix}
A_p & 0 \\
0 & A_w
x_p \\
+ \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix}
B_p \\
\end{bmatrix}}_{B_G} \: u

and the combined output is given by

y \\
= \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix}
C_p & 0 \\
0 & C_w
x_p \\
D_p \\
\: u
The generalized system representation is then given by
G = \left[
\begin{array}{c|c} % ChkTex -2
A_G & B_G \\
\hline % ChkTex -2
C_G & D_G
\begin{array}{cc|c} % ChkTex -2
A_p & 0 & B_p \\
0 & A_w & B_w \\
\hline % ChkTex -2
C_p & 0 & D_p \\
0 & C_w & D_w


\subsection{Youla's Q Parameterization}
One can get all stabilizing controllers for a given plant as a function of a single stable transfer function Q(s). This is called the Youla parameterization (Q-parameterization). It's the extension of a full state feedback controller (including observer) with a system \textcolor{purple}{$Q$} that takes the innovation as an input.
$Q$ needs to be \textbf{stable} and has to consist of a \textbf{proper rational} transfer function.
The closed-loop dynamics are given by
\dot{x} \\
\dot{x}_Q \\
A+BK & BC_Q & -BK \\
0 & A_Q & B_Q C \\
0 & 0 & A+LC
x \\
x_Q \\
I & 0 \\
0 & C \\
0 & C
r \\
The closed-loop poles are the union of the full-state feedback poles $A+BK$, the observer poles $A+LC$ and the poles of $Q(s)$.
The TF from $y$ to $u$ hence the TF of the controller $C(s)$ can be written as
C(s) = -{(X_0(s)+Q(s)N(s))}^{-1}(Y_0(s)-Q(s)D(s))
is the TF when $Q(s)=0$ with controller gain $K_0$ and observer gail $L_0$
X_0(s) & = -K_0{(sI-A-L_0C)}^{-1}B \\
Y_0(s) & = -K_0{(sI-A-L_0C)}^{-1}L_0
and $N$, $D$ are the nominator and denominator of the plant
N(s) & =C{(sI-A-L_0C)}^{-1}B \\
D(s) & = -C(sI-A-L_0-C^{-1}L_0)
where $L_0$ is an observer gain that would stabilize the error dynamics.
It can be show that the interconnection of the system is stable if the \textbf{Bezout identity} is fulfilled
and that all feedback stabilizing controllers for $P$ are given by
C(s) = \frac{Y_0(s) -D(s)Q(s)}{X_0(s)-N(s)Q(s)}
The sensitivity function is given by
S(s) = D(s)(X_0(s)-N(S)Q(s))
and the complementary sensitivity function by
T(s) = -N(s)(Y_0(s)+D(s)Q(s))

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