The script is a todo-list application built in React, designed to offer a smooth, efficient task management experience. It allows users to view, add, remove, and toggle tasks between completed and uncompleted states, making it highly versatile for managing daily activities. Completed tasks can be easily switched back to uncompleted, allowing flexible control over task statuses.
The application utilizes localStorage to save the todo list, so all tasks persist seamlessly even after refreshing the page. State management is streamlined through Context, allowing efficient and organized communication between multiple components without needing to manually pass props. The todo list can also be sorted in various ways, providing users with a customizable view to keep tasks organized according to their preferences.
Overall, this project is a solid example of React fundamentals, with a clean code structure, strong state management through Context, and user-friendly functionality.
This project was developed as part of a student project at Medieinstitutet in 2024