Resources for deep learning
Below are some of the best resources I've come across for deep learning across various topics. These are probably only resources you need to watch/read if you are refreshing your knowledge or learning from scratch. This list specifically targets Convolution Neural Networks for imaging applications and in general theory of deep learning.
obiviously I've not gone through all the material available on the net on the topic of deep learning. But, whatever I've come across these are the best ones
One additional problem I came across was that tensorflow only works with python 3.6. So, one needs to set environment for python 3.6 and then do a pip install.
Best cource available.
Good Summery of all the nuts and bolts
vanishing gradient problem and ReLu
how exactly filter updates work in CNN
Overview of all popular archietectures
Two lectures on 'why to do deep learning' than 'how to do deep learning'
Brief overview of 'why deep learning'
One of the best hands-on demo.
TF cource
Comprehensive TF resources
Go through entire series
Skip to hand-on example part
Demo of deep learning visualization toolbox. Showing a visual interpretation of what exactly network 'learns'.
Interesting insight of CNN identifying random images with high confidence.