- My name is Abdallah Elabora!
- An innovative AI specialist that majored in the cutting-edge field of artificial intelligence and software engineering at the British University in Dubai. Proficient in Image Processing for Computer Vision, NLP, data classification and prediction. Excels at developing both discriminative and generative models.
- I’m interested in Computer Vision, generative AI, game development, and everything else this profession has to offer!
- You can reach me at abdallah.elabora@gmail.com
- You can also reach me at LinkedIn
- You can check out my game releases on itch.io
- SynthEarth AI, An AI-Powered Hyper-Realistic Terrain Generating Drawing Tool
- Realistic Terrain Generation Using Generative Adversarial Networks, Using DCGAN and cGAN to generate hyper-realistic terrain
- SynthEarth Dataset, A brand-new dataset consisting of 600k images of segmented and unsegmented synthetic Earth terrain images
- The SNIST Dataset, A brand-new dataset consisting of 150k images of sequenced handwritten characters
- Text Extraction and Transcription System, Using CRNN and EAST For Automatic Multiple Text Transcription From Images
- Questions and Answers Generator, Using Python and deep learning algorithms to generate questions and answers from text
- Gastroenteric Diagnostical Expert System, Turning Python code into an executable application with a GUI
- Product Satisfaction Predictor, Using Python and deep learning algorithms to predict the satisfaction level from a product review
- Speed Demon, Using Unity and C# to create an endless runner type game
- Mock NFT Marketplace, Using C#, ASP.NET, SQL, and HTML/CSS
- Food Delivery Web App, Using C#, ASP.NET, SQL, and HTML/CSS
- Medical Diagnosing Web App, Using C#, ASP.NET, and HTML/CSS
- Minimalist Music Aggregator, Using Python and deep learning algorithms to recommend music
- Medical Assistant Chatbot, Using Python and deep learning algorithms for realistic-sounding conversations
- Simple MIPS Processor, Using Python
- Facial Sentiment Recognition, Using Python and deep learning algorithms to detect emotions
- Java Lifestyle Tracker, Using Java
- Java Advanced Calculator, Using Java
- Mock University Website, Using HTML/CSS
- Noise Generator, Using Python
- Speed Demon Scripts, Using C#
- Driving Institute Database, Using SQL
- Vending Machine, Using Java
- Binary Tree, Using Java
- Queue and Stack, Using Java