Voice assistant made with python.Voice assistant uses several libraries including the most important one - speec_recognition
from speech_recognition import Microphone, Recognizer
To activate voice assistant just say aloud Javrvis
if "jarvis" in testo or "service" in testo or "davis" in testo:
in this way various functions will be activated including the possibility of opening a folder or a file , doing elementary calculations, knowing the weather of a city. Assistant also identifies the state of mood through the textblob module.
from textblob import TextBlob
All requests that are made are written to a text file in which the day and time of the same is written.
with open(r"SELECT THE FILE .txt","a") as scrittura_su_file:
scrittura_su_file.write(" -> ")
It is also possible to use the wikipedia library to do research.
import wikipedia
We find a translator available in 4 different languages including: French German Spanish and English
from translate import Translator
In the code there are also some preset answers to answer for example questions like how are you, what's your name.