This project leverages deep learning techniques for license plate detection and DeepOCR using HALCON 23.11-Progress Software.
- HALCON 23.11
- A labeled dataset of license plates
Modify the dataset path in prepare_data_detection.hdev
- Set the path to your dataset directory
ExampleDataDir := '/home/dika/Documents/PKM_program/Dataset/Plate'
Run prepare_data_detection.hdev
to prepare the dataset for training.
Modify the data directory path in train_data_detection.hdev
to point to the prepared dataset:
- Update with your dataset path
dataDir := 'path_from_ur_prepare_dataset'
Run train_data_detection.hdev
to start training your model.
After training, update the model paths in PlateDetectionDeepOCR.hdev
with the appropriate file locations:
- Set the paths for the preprocess parameters and trained model
PreprocessParamFileName := '/home/dika/Documents/PKM_program/Deteksink/detect_plat_data/dldataset_plat512x320dl_preprocess_param.hdict'
TrainedModelFileName := '/home/dika/Documents/PKM_program/Deteksink/detect_plat_data/best_dl_model_detection.hdl'
Once the paths are updated, you can run the plate detection and OCR using this script.