This project is built using C# 8.0 and .NET Web API, following enterprise-level architecture patterns, including:
- Github CI Pipeline A CD pipeline was not provided as the application is intended for local or development environments and does not require deployment to production or staging. The focus was on setting up a CI pipeline to ensure automated testing and integration of code changes
- Domain-Driven Design (DDD)
- Test-Driven Development (TDD)
- Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) with command/query validation
- S.O.L.I.D principles
- Mediator Pattern
- Functional Programming principles Applied in Services, Repositories, Entities (chained functions style) and CQRS (Only on GetCustomerDetailsQueryHandler as showcase ).
- Logging: We utilizes file-based logging to track application behavior and issues, facilitating easier debugging and monitoring for showcase purposes (Usually we should use Event sourcing with Kafka data pipeline).
- Error Handling We implements general error handling strategies to log system messages and errors for showcase purposes.
- Testing coverage In business (Including CQRS, Services and Repositories).
- Api Documentation (Swagger)
The data is stored in memory, allowing for easier testing and evaluation, and the application uses a multi-layered architecture with proper abstractions for testability.
All data is exposed through the Web API to facilitate testing purposes, including the following endpoints:
- Create Account: Endpoint to create a new account associated with a customer.
- Get Account Details: Endpoint to retrieve account details, including information about transactions, balance and associated customer.
- Create Customer: Endpoint to create a new customer in the system.
- Get Customer: Endpoint to retrieve customer details. This is provided for demonstration and user experience purposes.
Ensure you have the following installed on your machine:
git clone
cd MaruanBH
To build the solution, run the following command:
dotnet build MaruanBH.sln --configuration Release
You can run the API by using:
dotnet run --project MaruanBH.Api
The Swagger API should now be running at http://localhost:5118/swagger/index.html.
The test are located at MaruanBH.Tests directory, to execute the tests, run the following command:
dotnet test MaruanBH.Tests/MaruanBH.Tests.csproj
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
This project was created by Marouane Boukhriss Ouchab, including logic, directory structure, architecture, coding, testing, and software engineering decisions.