Artifacts and SAP Community blog reference supporting failover and high availability examples for SAP Cloud Integration (formerly SCP Cloud Platform Integration) using Azure PaaS Services
1. Failover with routing-based solution using Azure FrontDoor and API Management and cross-azure-region deployments
Find more details on the SAP community blog
The zip file "" contains the iFlows used in the blog.
This is useful to avoid the regular SAP CPI maintenance window for instance.
Find more details on the SAP community blog
The zip file "" contains the iFlows used in the blog.
See also SAP's Discovery Center Mission based upon my blog series.
Find more details on the SAP community blog
SAP Docs for CPI API runtime setup can be found here. Required APIs to interact with CPI API runtime are described on the SAP API Business Hub.
SecretSynchLogicApp.json contains the LogicApp template that integrates with Azure Event Grid. Find more detais on the required config and the Azure portal driven setup flow from your KeyVault on Azure Docs. In order to use the template as is you need to fill the placeholders marked with "<<<>>>" and pre-provision Event Grid and KeyVault. I might provide a "deploy to Azure" button at a later point in time.
The LogicApp relies on a "secret" naming convention to pull the credentials for the CPI API call. -usr or -pwd. That eases some of the configuration required and decouples the setting on the LogicApp.
In my example I am running two CPI instances. The first under domain dr-primary and the second under cpi-dr-secondary.
The zip file "" contains an iFlow that reads the CPI credential "CPI-AUTH-SHARED" during runtime. I used to verify the approach and correct setup.
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Cheers Martin