This repository provides an API to access, create and delete files on HDFS.
This API uses the WebHDFS REST API to access the data on the file system.
Hence, the following option should be added to your hdfs-site.xml
<description>Enable webHDFS API</description>
In some versions of HDFS the Append operation is disabled by default.
If you wish to use this operator to append data to existing files in the file system, insert the following in the same hdfs-site.xml
<description>Enable append support</description>
Get a FileSystem instance := FileSystem hdfs
Get a FileSystem instance specifying user := FileSystem hdfsWithUser:<username>
The HDFS WEBApi allows to use an Hadoop delegation Token or the Kerberos authentication. In this version of our API, only the Hadoop delegation Token can be used.
Get a FileSystem instance using Hadoop delegation Token := FileSystem hdfsWithToken:<token>
By default the API uses localhost:9870 as address of HDFS. It is possible to specify a different host and port during the initialization of the host. In this case, the following code should be executed:
hdfsStore := HDFSStore host:<hostName> port:<port>.
fileSystem := FileSystem store: hdfsStore.
To initialize a store with an authentication method, you can use one of the following
hdfsStore := HDFSStore host:<hostName> port:<port> username: <username>.
hdfsStore := HDFSStore host:<hostName> port:<port> token: <token>.
The Pharo-HDFS API implements the FileSystem API of Pharo. As for the default FileSystem, the following operations are supported:
fileSystem createDirectory:<path>
fileSystem delete:<path>
fileSystem rename:<oldName> to: <newName>
Files can be accessed using FileReference(s).
fileReference := fileSystem / path / of / the / file. "get the file reference"
fileReference createFile. "creates a file at the path indicated in the file reference"
fileReference contents. "read the contents of the file"
fileReference readStream. "get a ReadStream on the file"
fileReference writeStream. "get a WriteStream on the file"
The HDFS API does not allow to directly write on a File. The only allowed operation is the append.
Therefore, the WriteStream of an HDFS file reference allows only such operation (both with nextPutAll:
and appendAll: