This project aims to document the study of algorithms through the Codewars platform for one year. Here, my current rank on the platform and the answered challenges will be recorded, with the aim of motivating other programmers to participate and evolve together.
Codewars is an online platform that allows programmers to train and improve their problem-solving skills through challenges (or "kata"). The challenges are available in various programming languages, including C#, and the ranking is based on the quantity and difficulty of the solved challenges.
My current rank on the Codewars platform will be regularly updated in this repository.
Here, all the challenges answered by me on the Codewars platform will be recorded, with the code and a brief description of the solution found. The aim is to share knowledge and motivate other programmers to participate in this study.
If you are also interested in participating in this study, simply clone this repository and share your own answered challenges and evolution on the Codewars platform. Together, we can become even more skilled programmers!