• Webapp urls(can be multiple, space seperated)
• A file containing a list of webapp paths that need to be brute forced against the specified
• List of success status code according to user
Webapp urls: https://www.github.com
Webapp paths: (sample 5 lines out of the input file wordlist.txt)
• admin
• info
• .git/config
• .htaccess
• backup.zip
Success status codes(needs to be space seperated): 200 302
A list of URLs that responded with any of the success status codes as provided in
the input by the user.
• https://www.github.com/info [Status code 302]
• https://www.github.com/.htaccess [Status code 200]
- Clone repo to local machine.
- Go to 'release' folder.
- By default there is 'wordlist.txt' file containing wordlist which can be replaced with another text file having same name.
- Run BruteForce.exe.