- Restricted Boltzmann Machines - Ep. 6 (Deep Learning SIMPLIFIED): https://youtu.be/puux7KZQfsE
- Deep Belief Nets - Ep. 7 (Deep Learning SIMPLIFIED): https://youtu.be/E2Mt_7qked0
- Boltzmann Machine Deep Learning A-Z Udemy : http://bit.ly/2yWF6eP
- How a Boltzmann machine models data by Geoffrey Hinton : https://youtu.be/kytxEr0KK7Q
- Restricted Boltzmann Machines by Geoffrey Hinton : https://youtu.be/EZOpZzUKl48
- An example of RBM learning by Geoffrey Hinton : https://youtu.be/iHaS6O1eox4
- Generate Music in TensorFlow Siraj Raval (with RBM) : https://youtu.be/ZE7qWXX05T0
- RBM movie recommender, Learning A-Z Udemy: http://bit.ly/2hpHS2j
### Part 1 : Creating the architecture of the Neural Network
# Create the class RBM
class RBM():
# self is the object
# all the variables attached to the object will be created with self.
# nv number of visible nodes
# nh number of hidden nodes
def __init__(self, nv, nh):
#initialize the parameters we optimize during the training weights and bias
#weights used for the probability of the visible nodes given the hidden nodes (p_v_given_h))
# torch.rand : random normal distribution mean=0, variance=1
self.W = torch.randn(nh,nv)
# bias probability of the hidden nodes given the visible nodes (p_h_given_v))
# fake dimension for the batch = 1
self.a = torch.randn(1,nh)
# bias probability of the visible nodes is activated
#given the value of the hidden nodes (p_v_given_h))
self.b = torch.randn(1, nv)
def sample_h(self, x):
# probability h is activated given the value v is the sigmoid(Wx+a).
# torch.mm make the product of two tensors.
# W.t()take the transpose because W is used for the p_v_given_h.
# .expand_as(wx) : expand the mini-batch.
# probability p_h_given_v is the probability that the note drama genre is activated.
# v value is the input value. If v is a film drama, p_h_given_v will be hight.
# If v is not a film drama, p_h_given_v will be low.
# Bernouilli RBM. we predict the user loves the movie or not (0 or 1).
# activation or not activation of the nh neurons.
return p_h_given_v, torch.bernouilli(p_h_given_v)
def sample_v(self, y):
# probability h is activated given the value v is the sigmoid(Wx+a).
# torch.mm make the product of two tensors.
# .expand_as(wx) : expand the mini-batch.
# Bernouilli RBM. we predict the user loves the movie or not (0 or 1).
# activation or not activation of the nv neurons.
return p_v_given_h, torch.bernouilli(p_v_given_h)
# Contrastive divergence Algorithm
# Optimize the weights to minimize the energy.
# ~ Maximize the Log-Likelihood of the model.
# Need to approximate the gradients with the algorithm contrastive divergence.
def train(self,v0,vk,ph0,phk):
self.W += torch.mm(v0.t(),ph0)-torch.mm(vk.t(),phk)
# add ,0 for the tensor of two dimension
self.b += torch.sum((v0-vk),0)
self.a += torch.sum(ph0-phk,0)
### Part 2 : Create the RBM Object
# number of movies
# parameter is tunable is the number of features that we want to detect
# features ~ genre, actors, director, oscar, date....
# update the weights after serveral observations, also tunable
# Creation of the object of the class RBM()
### Part 3 : Training the RBM
nb_epoch = 10
# upper bound is no included nb_epoch+1
# First for loop : epoch for loop
for epoch in range (1,nb_epoch+1):
#loss function initialized to 0 at the beginning of the trainning
train_loss = 0
# counter which is a float .
s = 0.
# Second for loop : user forloop
# 0 lower bound
# nb_users-batch_size upper bound
# batch_size is the step of each batch (100)
# First batch is from user id=0 ti user id =99
for id_user in range(0,nb_users-batch_size,batch_size):
# at the beginning v0=vk
# vk is going to be updated
# id_user,id_user+batch_size ~id_user+100
ph0, _ = rbm.sample_h(v0)
# Third for loop : Contrastive divergence
for k in range(10):
# we don't want to learn where is no rating by the user
# no update when -1 rating.
# Compare vk updated after the training to v0 the target.
# simple distance in absolute value
# [vO>=0] take only the value with ratings / coherence with vk[v0<0]=[v0<0]
s += 1.
print('epoch: ' +str(epoch) +' loss: '+str(train_loss/s))