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Project Dilemma 1.0.0rc3

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@Macr0Nerd Macr0Nerd released this 26 Dec 00:51
· 24 commits to main since this release

Project Dilemma

Project Dilemma is a simulation tool for testing algorithms in the prisoner's dilemma.
It provides a standard interface to define both algorithm and simulation classes so that they may be easily tested.
Inspired by this Veritasium video.

Table of Contents


  1. Download git repo
  2. Change into repo root directory
  3. Run pip install .


Config File Location

Project Dilemma will automatically try to load the configuration from the user's and system's configuration directories,
usually set by $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS. For most Linux users, this will check ~/.config/project_dilemma and them somewhere
in /etc.

This behaviour can be overridden by specifying the --config flag to the config file you want to use.

Config Format

Project Dilemma uses the TOML format for configuration files.
This is a human-readable format that is easy to write.
The schema has been provided below:

algorithms_directory = "/path/to/algorithms/"
nodes = [ { node_id = "node_1", algorithm = { file = "", object = "Foo" } },
          { node_id = "node_2", algorithm = { file = "bar/", object = "Baz" } } ]
rounds_data = "path/to/round.json"
rounds_output = "path/to/round.json"
simulation = { file = "", object = "FooBar" }
simulation_id = "name of simulation"
simulation_arguments = { foo = "bar" }
simulation_results = "path/to/results.json"
simulations_directory = "/path/to/simulations/"
  • algorithms_directory
    • A path to the directory containing the algorithms files
  • nodes
    • An array of tables that specify a node id and an algorithm, as defined in the Dynamic Imports
  • rounds_data
    • Path to a JSON file containing previous round data
  • rounds_output
    • Path to write the round data as a JSON
  • simulation:
  • simulation_id
    • The name of the simulation
  • simulation_arguments
    • Arguments to pass into the simulation
  • simulation_results
    • Path to write the simulation results
  • simulations_directory
    • A path to the directory containing additional simulation files
    • Required for user provided simulations

Dynamic Imports

Because a lot of the objects, such as the algorithms and simulations, can or must be provided by the user, this data
must be imported dynamically.
In order to easily import these objects without importing every simulation and algorithm, the following format can be
used to tell the program where to look for the imports:

{ file = "path/to/file", object = "ObjectToImport" }
  • file
    • A path to the file containing the object relative to the associated directory in the config
    • Required for algorithms and user provided simulations
  • object
    • The object to import
      • For builtin simulations, specify the simulation class name here


Algorithms can be defined very easily.
Only four things must be done to subclass the Algorithm interface:

  1. Set class name
  2. Set algorithm_id
  3. Pass in the mutations to the interface's init (see template for example)
  4. Implement the decide function
  5. Set mutations (optional)

The decide function is what the simulation uses to run the algorithm.
It accepts a project_dilemma.interfaces.base.Rounds object which can be used to get the results of prior rounds.
The function should return True for cooperation, and False for defection.

If you want to add mutations, set the static mutation list after defining the class as to avoid circular imports.

A template has been provided us templates/ for ease of use.


Simulations a more complicated to configure as compared to algorithms.
You only need to override the run_simulation and process_simulation methods, but these are incredibly important.

run_simulation returns a project_dilemma.interfaces.base.SimulationRounds object that will be used by
process_simulation to get the results.

For example, the provided standard simulations process the rounds data to calculate scores for each node
A template can be found in templates/


Copyright 2023 Gabriele Ron

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

This project utilizes the platformdirs project which is licensed under the MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2010-202x The platformdirs developers