Ported from https://github.com/MiSTer-devel/Oric_MiSTer according from Somhi sockit template.
Follows original readme file.
Oric-1 / Oric Atmos for MiSTer Platform
Oric-1 and Oric Atmos re-implementation on a modern FPGA.
There is one version made and ported by Gehstock at GitHub, but it's far from a functional Oric. Gehstock's version for MiST board was realeased as a proof of concept with only 32KB RAM (no Oric existed with that memory, only 16K ,48K and 64K)(64KB is real RAM) so there were errors managing HIRES mode) and no way to load audio tapes and lots of graphics errors on screen.
This project began in november 2019 with the aim to preserve the Oric's computer family into FPGA.
Actually Oric 1, Oric Atmos and Microdisc are fully functional.
- ULA HCS10017.
- VIA 6522.
- CPU 6502.
- Full 64KB of RAM.
- Keyboard managed by GI-8912.
- Sound (AY-3-8910).
- Switchable ROM (between 1.1a ATMOS version and 1.0 ORIC 1 version).
- Tape loading working (via audio cable on the RX pin).
- Oric Microdisc implementation vía CUMULUS
- Disc Read / Write operations fully supported with EDSK (The same as Amstrad CPC) format.
- Disc Sedoric/OricDOS Operating System Loading fully working
- Debugging, checking for possible bugs at video and improving the core.
- Issue loading files on multipart dsks; i.e. programs using CLOAD to load in other data from the dsk.
..if you find others, let us know, please.
Create a directory called ORIC at your sd's root and put inside the disc images to work on
- Once the core is launched:
Keyboard Shorcuts:
- F10 - NMI button, acts like original ORIC NMI
- F11 - Reset. Use F11 to reboot once a DSK is selected at OSD
- F12 - OSD Main Menu.
- Activate FDC controller at OSD MENU
- Select an Image from games/Oric directory, exit OSD and press F11. System will boot inmeddiately
Ron Rodritty: Team coordination and QA testing.
Fernando Mosquera: FPGA guru.
Subcritical: Verilog and VHDL.
ManuFerHi: Hardware consulting.
Chema Enguita: Oric Software gurú
SiliceBit: Oric hardware Gurú
ZXMarce: Hardware support 24/7...
Ramón Martínez: Oric hardware, Some software, and fpga coding.
Slingshot: SDRAM work and advisor.
Kudos to: Sorgelig, Gehstock, DesUBIKado, RetroWiki and friends.
Despite the .dsk extension, Disk images must use the defacto standard edsk for disk preservation (also known as "AMSTRAD CPC EXTENDED FORMAT"). To convert images from the Oric "dsk" to the needed "edsk" you need the HxCFloppyEmulator tool (source code here).
Load the Oric disk and export it as CPC DSK file The resulting image should load flawlessly on the Oric. Always use a .dsk
extension for your output file
These images are also compatible with fastfloppy firmware on gothek, cuamana reborn, etc. working with real Orics.
Loading from a tap
file is NOT currently supported in this core. But you can convert .tap
files to dsk
with the OricDSK Disc Manager Tool.
Then convert the resulting "dsk" to the supported "edsk" (CPC format) with HxCFloppyEmulator as explained above.
Tape to dsk conversion is also possible with tap2dsk from the Euphoric Tools pack.
This core does support real-world (physical) Tape loading (via audio cable on the RX pin).
- If dsk is bootable, simply select the image, exit the MiSTer OSD, then press F11.
- If dsk is NOT bootable, after inserting, try
to list contents then!NAME_OF_FILE_TO_RUN
to load and run. - If you see errors like
Insert System Disk
try loading the SEDORIC first, exiting to the BASIC prompt, insert your dsk and useDIR
NOTE: There are known loading issues with multipart dsks; e.g. programs that use CLOAD to load in additional data from the dsk.
In the dsk directory, you will find some disk images in the proper format.
- SEDORIC 4.0 operating System disk image redistributed with permission from Symoon.
- Blake's 7 game, redistributed with permission of chema enguita you can download manual and additional info from Defence force
- Oricium game, redistributed with permission of chema enguita you can download manual and additional info from Defence force
- Space:1999 game, redistributed with permission of chema enguita you can download manual and additional info from Defence force
- 1337 game, redistributed with permission of chema enguita you can download manual and additional info from Defence force