A package for calculating the energy of a system of particles using a force field.
participant PDB
participant CHARMM
participant Molpro
participant Orbkit
participant Energies
participant FitFF
PDB->>Molpro: a
Molpro->>Orbkit: wavefunctions
PDB->>CHARMM: psf/pdb/par
CHARMM->>Energies: MM energies
Molpro->>Energies: QM energies
Orbkit->>Energies: Coulomb
Energies->>FitFF: Regression
Installation using conda is recommended. The following packages are required:
conda env create --file environment.yml
conda install -c conda-forge povray
pip install -e .
The python interface for the Havard Molecular Mechanics (CHARMM) program is required for the CHARMM energy calculations. The PyCHARMM package is not available on PyPI and must be installed manually.
Instructions, from Dr. Kai Toepfer, are included in the pycharmm_runner directory.
Make CHARMM* jobs to calculate energies:
python ff_energy/ffe/cli.py -m water_cluster -t pbe0dz -e tip3 -chmj
[*uses the CHARMM executable to calculate energies]
Make Molpro jobs to calculate energies:
python ff_energy/ffe/cli.py -m water_tests -t pbe0dz -e tip3 -mj -s
Make Orbkit jobs to calculate the Coulomb integrals:
python ff_energy/ffe/cli.py -m ions -t pbe0dz -e tip3 -cj -s -msp /home/boittier/pcnccr
ESP View:
python ff_energy/ffe/cli.py -m water_tests -t pbe0dz -e tip3 -esp
Gather data:
python ff_energy/ffe/cli.py -d -m water_cluster -t pbe0dz -e tip3
Choose residues based on name, extract residue and nearest neighbours from the trajectory:
python MD_sampling.py -v -dl /home/boittier/pcbach/charmmions/step5_1.dcd /home/boittier/pcbach/charmmions/step5_2.dcd /home/boittier/pcbach/charmmions/step5_3.dcd /home/boittier/pcbach/charmmions/step5_4.dcd -p /home/boittier/pcbach/charmmions/step3_pbcsetup.psf -r POT -n 35
Scripts available, CLI in development.
Eric D. Boittier