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GIF decoder

GIF decoding and rendering with HTML5 canvas

Here is a link to the live website for the GIF decoder/player, with URL parameters as specified below.

Also, see the specs for GIF89a and What's In A GIF: GIF Explorer by @MrFlick for more technical details.

Available URL parameters

URL parameters can be in any order, starting with ? after the URL and then parameters in the format NAME=VALUE with & between each parameter.


Values must be encoded URI components.

Parameters with values 0/1 can omit the =VALUE for it to be treated as 1.

For example ? translates to:

Name Decoded value
gifInfo 0 (collapsed)
frameInfo 1 (expanded)
Click to toggle table
Name Possible values Description Default value
url a GIF file URL GIF URL to load This public domain GIF from Wikimedia
gifInfo 0 collapsed / 1 expanded If the GIF info section should be expanded 1 (expanded)
globalColorTable 0 collapsed / 1 expanded If the Global color table section should be expanded 1 (expanded)
appExtList 0 collapsed / 1 expanded If the Application-Extensions section should be expanded 1 (expanded)
commentsList 0 collapsed / 1 expanded If the Comments section should be expanded 0 (collapsed)
unExtList 0 collapsed / 1 expanded If the Unknown extensions section should be expanded 0 (collapsed)
frameView 0 collapsed / 1 expanded If the frame canvas section should be expanded 0 (collapsed)
frameInfo 0 collapsed / 1 expanded If the Frame info section should be expanded 0 (collapsed)
localColorTable 0 collapsed / 1 expanded If the local color table section should be expanded 1 (expanded)
frameText 0 collapsed / 1 expanded If the (Frame) Text section should be expanded 0 (collapsed)
import 0 closed / 1 open If the import menu should be opened 0 (closed)
play float between -100 and 100
<0 reversed / >0 (or empty) forwards
If the GIF should be playing, how fast, and in what direction 0 (paused)
f zero-based frame index (positive integer)
if out of bounds uses first frame
Start at a specific frame 0 (first frame)
userLock 0 OFF / 1 ON If the user input lock button should be toggled on 0 (OFF)
gifFull 0 OFF / 1 ON If the GIF full window button should be toggled on 0 (OFF)
gifReal 0 OFF / 1 ON If the GIF fit window button should be toggled on 0 (OFF)
gifSmooth 0 OFF / 1 ON If the GIF img smoothing should be toggled on 0 (OFF)
frameFull 0 OFF / 1 ON If the frame full window button should be toggled on 0 (OFF)
frameReal 0 OFF / 1 ON If the frame fit window button should be toggled on 0 (OFF)
frameSmooth 0 OFF / 1 ON If the frame img smoothing button should be toggled on 0 (OFF)
pos integer,integer The position/offset of the GIF/frame rendering canvas (left,top safe integers) 0,0 (origin)
zoom float The starting zoom of the GIF/frame rendering canvas (clamped to +- 500)
calculation: canvas_width = GIF_width * (e ↑ (zoom / 100))
0 (no zoom)

Edge cases

  • If, during decoding, an error occurs, it will show the import menu and display the error without further decoding/rendering (ignore all parameters, except for collapsible areas)
  • If import is given only allow url and collapsable areas (ignore all other parameters)
    • When the import menu is open, the GIF is not yet decoded (only a preview is shown)
  • If gifReal and frameReal are both 0 (OFF) ignore pos and zoom
  • If gifFull is 1 (ON) ignore frameFull
  • If frameFull is 1 (ON) ignore frameView
  • If frameView is 0 (collapsed) ignore frameReal and frameSmooth
  • If pos and zoom are given, apply pos before zoom
  • If, during decoding, an error occurs, it will show the import menu and display the error without further decoding/rendering

Exported constants

Exported constants in the GIFdecodeModule.js file.

Export DisposalMethod enum

See description/type information further below.

Export decodeGIF function

Decodes a GIF into its components for rendering on a canvas.

async decodeGIF(gifURL, avgAlpha, fetchProgressCallback, sizeCheck, progressCallback)

function parameters (in order)

  1. gifURL (string) The URL of a GIF file.

  2. avgAlpha (optional boolean) If this is true then, when encountering a transparent pixel, it uses the average value of the pixels RGB channels to calculate the alpha channels value, otherwise alpha channel is either 0 or 1. Default false.

  3. fetchProgressCallback (optional function) Optional callback for showing progress of fetching the image data (in bytes).

        loaded: number,      // amount of bytes loaded
        total: number | null // total amount of bytes to load (or null if not available)
    ): any
  4. sizeCheck (optional function) Optional check if the loaded file should be processed if this yields false then it will reject with file to large

        byteLength: number // size of file in bytes
    ): Promise<boolean> | boolean // continues decoding with `true`
  5. progressCallback (optional function) Optional callback for showing progress of decoding process (when GIF is interlaced calls after each pass (4x on the same frame)). If asynchronous, it waits for it to resolve.

        percentageRead: number,     // decimal from 0 to 1
        frameIndex: number,         // zero-based frame index
        frame: ImageData,           // current decoded frame (image)
        framePos: [number, number], // pos from left/top of GIF area
        gifSize: [number, number]   // GIF area width/height
    ): any

Returns (GIF) a promise of the GIF with each frame decoded separately. The promise may reject for one the following reasons:

  • fetch error when trying to fetch the GIF from gifURL (probably blocked by CORS security options)
  • fetch aborted when trying to fetch the GIF from gifURL
  • loading error [CODE] when URL yields a status code that's not between 200 and 299 (inclusive)
  • file to large when sizeCheck yields false
  • not a supported GIF file when it's not a GIF file or the version is not GIF89a
  • error while parsing frame [INDEX] "ERROR" while decoding GIF - one of the following
    • GIF frame size is to large
    • plain text extension without global color table
    • undefined block found

Throws (TypeError) for one of the following (in order)

  1. gifURL is not a string
  2. avgAlpha is given (not null or undefined) but not a boolean
  3. fetchProgressCallback is given (not null or undefined) but not a function
  4. sizeCheck is given (not null or undefined) but not a function
  5. progressCallback is given (not null or undefined) but not a function

Export getGIFLoopAmount function

Extract the animation loop amount from a GIF.


Generally, for proper looping support, the NETSCAPE2.0 extension must appear immediately after the global color table of the logical screen descriptor (at the beginning of the GIF file). Still, here, it doesn't matter where it was found.


function parameters (in order)

  1. gif (GIF) A parsed GIF object.

Returns (number) the loop amount of gif as 16bit number (0 to 65'535 or Infinity).

Type documentation

The GIF object constructed has the following attributes.

GIF attributes

Click to toggle table
Attribute JSDoc annotation Description
width number the width of the image in pixels (logical screen size)
height number the height of the image in pixels (logical screen size)
totalTime number the (maximum) total duration of the gif in milliseconds (all delays added together)
will be Infinity if there is a frame with the user input delay flag set and no timeout
colorRes number the color depth/resolution in bits per color (in the original) [1-8 bits]
pixelAspectRatio number if non zero the pixel aspect ratio will be from 4:1 to 1:4 in 1/64th increments
sortFlag boolean if the colors in the global color table are ordered after decreasing importance
globalColorTable [number,number,number][] the global color table for the GIF
backgroundColorIndex number|null index of the background color into the global color table (if the global color table is not available it's null)
can be used as a background before the first frame
frames Frame[] each frame of the GIF (decoded into single images)
type information further below
comments [string,string][] comments in the file and were they where found ([<area found>,<comment>])
applicationExtensions ApplicationExtension[] all application extensions found
type information further below
unknownExtensions [number,Uint8Array][] all unknown extensions found ([<identifier>,<raw bytes>])

Frame attributes

Click to toggle table
Attribute JSDoc annotation Description
left number the position of the left edge of this frame, in pixels, within the gif (from the left edge)
top number the position of the top edge of this frame, in pixels, within the gif (from the top edge)
width number the width of this frame in pixels
height number the height of this frame in pixels
disposalMethod DisposalMethod the disposal method for this frame
type information further below
transparentColorIndex number|null the transparency index into the local or global color table (null if not encountered)
image ImageData this frames image data
plainTextData PlainTextData|null the text that will be displayed on screen with this frame (null if not encountered)
type information further below
userInputDelayFlag boolean if set waits for user input before rendering the next frame (timeout after delay if that is non-zero)
delayTime number the delay of this frame in milliseconds (0 is undefined (wait for user input or skip frame) - 10ms precision)
sortFlag boolean if the colors in the local color table are ordered after decreasing importance
localColorTable [number,number,number][] the local color table for this frame
reserved number reserved for future use 2bits (from packed field in image descriptor block)
GCreserved number reserved for future use 3bits (from packed field in graphics control extension block)

DisposalMethod attributes (enum)

Click to toggle table
Name Internal value
Description Action
Unspecified 0 unspecified do nothing (default to DoNotDispose)
DoNotDispose 1 do not dispose keep image / combine with next frame
RestoreBackgroundColor 2 restore to background color opaque frame pixels get filled with background color or cleared (when it's the same as transparentColorIndex)
RestorePrevious 3 restore to previous dispose frame data after rendering (revealing what was there before)
UndefinedA 4 undefined fallback to Unspecified
UndefinedB 5 undefined fallback to Unspecified
UndefinedC 6 undefined fallback to Unspecified
UndefinedD 7 undefined fallback to Unspecified

PlainTextData attributes

Click to toggle table
Attribute JSDoc annotation Description
left number the position of the left edge of text grid (in pixels) within the GIF (from the left edge)
top number the position of the top edge of text grid (in pixels) within the GIF (from the top edge)
width number the width of the text grid (in pixels)
height number the height of the text grid (in pixels)
charWidth number the width (in pixels) of each cell (character) in text grid
charHeight number the height (in pixels) of each cell (character) in text grid
foregroundColor number the index into the global color table for the foreground color of the text
backgroundColor number the index into the global color table for the background color of the text
text string the text to render on screen

ApplicationExtension attributes

Click to toggle table
Attribute JSDoc annotation Description
identifier string 8 character string identifying the application
authenticationCode string 3 bytes to authenticate the application identifier
data Uint8Array the (raw) data of this application extension