A workshop to create a React application to inspect an OGC Open API, with a lot of potential to develop!
This workshop is about creating a simple React application to consume an OGC Open API. That's it. It is a good way to familiarize yourself with a general OGC API structure. This could be used also as a foundation to do more cool things, with more OGC API specifications, perhaps to use in an OGC code sprint.
You can approach this workshop (and, in general, life) in two ways:
- The classic way
- The lazy way
This is the default way to experience this workshop. You have a basic knowledge of front-end development, no experience with React is required, and you looking forward to getting your hands dirty with some code, hoping to better understand how the OGC API works! Follow the instructions indicated with 🚀
This repo is organized in branches named step-N to represent the incremental steps in which the workshop is organized. You can check out the project:
git clone git@github.com:Luoghi-indomiti/bootstrap-ogc-api-react.git
and checking step by step, branch by branch, how the application is built. Well... you still have to check out branches by yourself, sorry!
- Git: https://git-scm.com/
- Node.js (16.13.0+) and npm (8.1.0+): https://nodejs.org/en/download/
- Yarn - Package Manager (1.22.15+): https://classic.yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install/ (...of course, if you prefer directly npm it's ok!)
- Your favourite editor for code (like VSCode or Atom )
Let's create an empty React application named bootstrap-ogc-api-react using the create-react-app:
yarn create react-app bootstrap-ogc-api-react
or, if you prefer npm:
npm init react-app bootstrap-ogc-api-react
Now cd into the new project folder and let's move to the next step:
cd bootstrap-ogc-api-react
git checkout step-1
yarn install
This workshop was produced in the context of the eMOTIONAL Cities project (funded under the scope of the H2020 program, with number 945307) with the purpose of exploring and advancing the OGC API Features standard.