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iccfanpassportiosSDK Documentation

iccfanpassportiosSDK v1.0.10


The iccfanpassportiosSDK SDK provides a way to integrate a web-based ICC Fan Passport experience into your iOS app. It includes a customizable WKWebView and handles deep links, authentication, and navigation to ICC-related content.


  • Display ICC Fan Passport web content within your app
  • Handle deep links to navigate back to the app
  • Securely encrypt and pass authentication tokens
  • Customizable navigation actions


To use ICCWebView in your project, include the iccfanpassportlauncher.swift file in your Xcode project.


To initialize ICCWebView, create an instance and configure it with the necessary parameters.

    initialize user data
    iccfanSDK.userData = UserData(token: authToken, name: name, email: email)
    Initialize SDK
    let iccWebView = ICCWebView(initialEntryPoint: initialEntryPoint, environment: environment)


  • authToken: The authentication token for the user.
  • name: The name of the user.
  • email: The email of the user.
  • initialEntryPoint: The initial entry point for the passport (.onboarding, .profile, .createavatar, .challenge, .rewards).
  • initialEntryPoint: The initial environment for the passport (.prodution, .developement).


Add the ICCWebView to your view hierarchy and set up the navigation action.

import UIKit

class YourViewController: UIViewController {
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        let iccWebView = ICCWebView(
            authToken: "yourAuthToken",
              let name = "name"
        let email = "email address"
        let initialEntryPoint = PassportEntryPoint.challenges // Replace with actual entry point
        let environment = Environment.production // or .development
    @objc func setupSDK() {
        iccfanSDK.userData = UserData(token: authToken, name: name, email: email)
        let initialEntryPoint: PassportEntryPoint = .onboarding
        let environment: Environment = .development // or .production
        let iccWebView = ICCWebView(initialEntryPoint: initialEntryPoint, environment: environment)
        iccWebView.navigateToICCAction = { viewController in
            // Define your navigation logic here
        iccWebView.signInWithIccCompletion = { success in
            // Handle the sign-in completion
        iccWebView.signInWithIccCompletion = { success in
            // Handle the sign-in completion
        present(iccWebView, animated: true, completion: nil)


logout Flow

To log out the user in Fanpassport from ICC App: Set iccfanSDK.userData = nil

        let initialEntryPoint: PassportEntryPoint = .profile
        let environment: Environment = .development // or .production
        let iccWebView = ICCWebView(initialEntryPoint: initialEntryPoint, environment: environment)

So add this to your appdelegate:

Handling Deep Links

ICCWebView can handle deep links that navigate back to your app. When the deep link happens after wallet creation, it comes with parameters called public_key and accountid, such as:

So add this to your appdelegate: iccfanSDK.handle(url: URL)

            func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL,options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]
            ) -> Bool {
                return iccfanSDK.handle(url: url)

Customizing Web Content

To start operations with a specific entry point, use the startSDKOperations method. The URL is constructed based on the provided entry point and authentication token.

iccWebView.startSDKOperations(entryPoint: .profile)


  • Ensure to configure navigateToICCAction,signInWithIccCompletion and SignOutToIccCompletion to handle navigation within your app.

This documentation provides a concise guide to integrating and using the ICCWebView SDK within your iOS app. For any advanced customizations or additional features, refer to the source code and extend the functionality as needed.


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