Emojify😞 your😏👈 Discord📞🕹 messages📨📨 to🙅 annoy everyone👦 else🤔
I cannot and do not take responsibility for any of the words and emojis in any of the files listed in data/
. These are scraped from Reddit without filters and WILL contain questionable language. It's Reddit, what did you expect?
cd /opt/powercord/src/Powercord/plugins # Move into the plugins folder
git clone --single-branch --branch release https://github.com/Luke-zhang-04/powercord-plugin-emojify.git
This "project" is basically just a bunch of exisitng open source projects put together to make a Powercord plugin.
- Anything in Python is the Reddit Scraper courtesy of Reddit Emojipasta Bot
- This includes
and anything inscraper
- This includes
- Anything in TypeScript and JavaScript are from another Reddit Emojifier Bot, the emojibot2 Web Tool
- This includes anything in
- This includes anything in
is a standalone script that will emojify any input from argv