The Binance-based crypto monitoring & comparing Flutter application.
- Trending tokens. App shows grid of tokens sorted by their daily price change. The most growing tokens appears at the top of the grid.
- Favourite tokens. You can add any token you like to the Favourites.
- Search. Search line at the top can help you find token that you are looking for.
- Token info. Select a token to see detailed information: price, change and volume.
- Charts. The app can draw charts for any token that will display the history of value changes.
- Compare tokens. Once you selected a token, you can compare it with a different one. On the new screen, you'll be able to see side by side compare of those two tokens.
- Exchange. On the same screen, you can see how much one token contains another one.
- Night mode. Switch between light and dark theme without restart.
Our app uses two APIs:
- - Cryptocurrency Logo Files.
- - Cryptocurrency Prices by Market Cap.
- Get dependencies:
flutter packages pub get
- Generate models:
flutter packages pub run build_runner build
- Build an Android app:
flutter build apk
You can run tests to ensure everything is working correctly via command: flutter test
If it is you'll see: +2: All tests passed!
Project been presented at Sirius at Dec 2021, figma link: