This repository contains Loosely coupled Lidar-IMU Odometry based on Error-State Kalman Filter.
The implementation of ESKF is based on Quaternion kinematics for the error-state Kalman filter.
Key Features:
- Utilizes a Voxel Grid based on a hash table to store local map points.
- Uses a Voxelized GICP for Registration.
- Ubuntu 22.04
- ROS2(humble)
- Open3d
- Yaml-cpp
- Eigen3
- OpenMP
- Download Exp21 Outside Building
rosbags-convert exp21_outside_building.bag
cd /your/workspace/src
git clone
- modify launch/
play_rosbag = ExecuteProcess(
cmd=['ros2', 'bag', 'play', 'change/to/your/rosbag/path']
cd /your/workspace
colcon build
source ./install/local_setup.bash
- Odometry
It generates the odometry information, including the point cloud map (map_cloud.pcd) and trajectory data (trajectory.json), which will be created in the "resources" directory.
ros2 launch eskf_lio
- Visualize Map Cloud
ros2 run eskf_lio eskf_lio_visualize_map_cloud