A small library that validates objects according to schemas
It basically receives the object
and a schema
and return a new object with errors, otherwise an empty object, It can manage deep objects.
npm install object-schema-validate
// import
var Validator = require('object-schema-validate');
// Give some values
var values = { email: 'not an email' };
// Give set up the schema
var schema = Validator({
email: [
test(v) {
return v.match(/.+?@.+\.\w{2,}/);
error: 'Valid email is required'
. . .
. . .
// validate it
{ email: [ 'Valid email is required' ] }
Now if{}
Advance example with a deep object and using a library (is.js)
var Validator = require('object-schema-validate');
var is = require('is_js');
var values = {
terms_of_service: false,
user: {
"email": "hola",
"name": 12342
company: {
"email": "hola"
var schema = Validator({
terms_of_service: [{
valid: is.not.truthy,
error: 'Acept terms of service please'
user: {
email: [{
valid: (schema) => (schema.indexOf('@') != -1),
error: 'A valid email s required'
valid: is.not.number,
error: 'Only letters'
name: [{
test(schema) {
return typeof schema === "string" && schema.length > 1;
error: "Name is required"
company: {
email: [{
valid: (schema) => (schema.indexOf('@') != -1),
error: 'A valid email s required'
valid: is.not.number,
error: 'Only letters'
name: [{
test(schema) {
return typeof schema === "string" && schema.length > 1;
error: "Name is required"
terms_of_service: ['Acept terms of service please'],
user: {
email: ['A valid email s required', 'Only letters'],
name: ['Name is required']
company: {
email: ['A valid email s required', 'Only letters'],
name: ['Name is required']
npm test
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