Whoever starred the project will be seen here tomorrow. First come, first served. | 谁star了这个项目,谁明天就会显示在这里,先到先得。
See https://whostarredme.letmefly.xyz For More.
We can only support 40000 People now. | 此项目最多支持显示40000人。
- Project URL: https://github.com/LetMeFly666/WhoStarredMe
- Online Address: https://whostarredme.letmefly.xyz
Whom starred the repo are:
Updated at: 2024-12-01, 10 in total.
- YeeBy2019
- LetMeFly666
- Tisfy
- Finfrank
- spln13
- Sensente
- vme50ty
- AakashRawat04
- Rohankumar19
- AMRITESH240304
The End.
- 当前最多支持显示40000人,这是由于Github Action默认的GITHUB_TOKEN最多在短时间内调用400次API。可使用私有TOKEN。
- 当Star人数过多时,Github主页将不能展示README,且网页加载过慢。应当采取多页机制。