Copy the current time of the video to clipboard.
Get the current time of the video and copy it to the clipboard with the format HH:MM:SS.MS, where MS (milliseconds) is 3 digits.
By default, the script is bind to "Ctrl + c"
For Windows use copyTime.js or copyTime.lua, the one you prefere.
- Put the selected script in your scripts folder (usually "%APPDATA%\mpv\scripts").
The script needs PowerShell to work.
For GNU/Linux use copyTime-xclip.lua, that uses xclip instead of Powershell, thanks maxigaz.
Put copyTime-xclip.lua and in your scripts folder (usually "~/.config/mpv/scripts/").
Modify copyTime-xclip.lua to set the correct path to
Give execute permissions to (chmod +x
The script needs xclip to work.