Particle in Cube HF Jellium
Hartree-Fock Jellium provides a mean-field treatment of valence electrons constrained to a cubic volume and subject to a uniform background positive charge and electron-electron repulsion.
Current worflow is as follows:
Generate all 1- and 2-electron integrals using the program Jellium_Integrals.x in the folder /JelliumIntegrals
Integrals will be written to files:
- ERI.dat: 2-electron repulsion integrals
- Kinetoc/dat: 1-electron kinetic energy integrals
- NucAttraction.dat: 1-electron nuclear attraction integrals
- SelfEnergy.dat: Average repulsion on positive background charge with itself (independant of electron coordinates, just a single number)
More details on Integral Code can be found here:
Self-consistent field calculation is done using the program JPIC.x in the current directory, which will read the integrals from the JelliumIntegrals folder.
- To compile JPIC code, type
- To run JPIC.x, type
- To compile JPIC code, type
The definition of the Fock operator and the SCF Energy follow the convention in Peter Gill's paper on Jellium RHF here:
- Fock operator -> Equation 3.8
- SCF Energy -> Equation 3.3