A social media app for sending texts, images, videos and voice messages. The app has 2 chat states - private and public.
The public chat functions like a regular chat. You can send, texts, images, videos and voice messages. There's a typing indicator below the your chat partners name, which shows if they are currently typing in your chat. Messages also get the seen checkmark when your chat partner sees your messages. When you double tap your messages, it open up a pop up screen which allows you to edit or delete your message. Changes made in this chat are real time.
The private chat is a temporary chat room intended for short conversations. The chat room has end-to-end encryption and exists only as long as either of the participants has not left the chat room. The chat room has restricted functionality - you can only send text messages and those messages can not be deleted or edited. When the chat room dies, a message will pop up, letting the other participant know that th chat is now over and they have to leave and re-enter to start a new conversation. Changes made in this chat are also real time.
- To download Flutter follow these instructions
- Visit Firebase website and create a new project with authentication and cloud database enabled.
- Follow this guid to linking your firebase project with flutter
Once your project is set up, build your firebase app with flutter run
and enjoy!
Laura-Eliise Marrandi and Gunta Kļava