To customize you should extract tokens with regular expression. Then you should create the template of original language with token you extracted.
regex: regex (regex for token1) <var1> regex
tokens: [token1,token2,token3]
- regex
global: True
once: True
next: [other_typeofsyntax,$collection_name]
- regex
eachline: extra_here <line> extra_here
- [regex,"replacewith"]
- ["regex here"]
call: [other_typeofsyntax,$collection_name]
regex: regex2
tokens: [token1,token2,token3]
#Code here(like above)
collection_name: [typeofsyntax1,typeofsyntax2]
varfile: filename_without_extension
var1: regex1
var2: regex2
var3 : regex3
after: #Command Line Commands
errfile: # Base Name
#- Command One
#- Command Two
# windows: Command
# linux: Command
Name of syntax you wanted to match
**Eg. **arithmetic, loop etc.
If one type have same pattern but different regular expression to match.
You can write _<any character><typeofsyntax>
for next regex.
**Eg. **_1typeofsyntax
Both regex use one template
Place where regular expression to match block of code..
Regular expression for tokens must be inside brackets.
{% hint style="info" %}
acts like s*
in regular expression
{% endhint %}
Name of tokens you wanted to extract
List of regex that should not be matched. It can be used in token option also
If it is False it works only after calling it otherwise it works normally.
If it is True it works only once
To pass converted syntax into another or same typeofsyntax
To modify token1 matched
{% tabs %} {% tab title="eachline" %} To add content in each line.
represents original content in eachline. It loops through every line.
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="replace " %} Regular expression to match and replace or delete any unwanted content in token.
To replace add a list with first item as regular expression to unwanted content and second item is the content you wanted to replace with.
To delete add a list with regular expression only {% endtab %}
{% tab title="call" %} To pass transformed to another typeofsyntax
Write names of typeofsyntax inside array to call.
Passes from left to right
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
For setting variables, collections, after command
{% tabs %}
{% tab title="variables" %}
You can make variables than can used inside regular expression by <varname>
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="varfile" %} Name of YAML file to import variables
{% hint style="info" %} Filename doesn't need extension (base name only) {% endhint %} {% endtab %}
{% tab title="collections" %} Group of typeofsyntaxs
It can be used in call and next
Eg. $collection_name
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="after" %} To run command line commands after translation.
**Example **
after: "black $target"
- $target - Location of translated file
- $source - Location of source file
- $current - Location of program {% endtab %}
{% tab title="errfile" %} YAML file with error definitions for linting {% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
{% hint style="info" %} __regex and tokens should be in all typeofsyntax.
Others are optional {% endhint %}
regex: <var>\+=<var>
tokens: [var,num]
var: ([A-Za-z0-9_]+)
Template of syntax of target language
typeofsyntax: "syntax1 <token1> middle syntax <token2> syntax3 <token3>"
**typeofsyntax **- Name of typeofsyntax in token extraction file.
token1,token2,token3 - Represents tokens extracted with regular expression in token extraction file.
Write tokens inside template of original language(<tokename>
shorthand: (incf <var> <num>)
To match error with regular expression.
If error is matched, part of code with error and error message will be displayed.
Syntax of error file
typeofsyntax: # typeofsyntax block
# Errors Block----------
#Error Details------
regex: Regex
msg: Error Message
help: Help Message
#Error Details here
# ----------------------
# Outside Block---------
# Errors Block here
#Errors Block here
#Outside Block here
# Outside Block here
Block name is name of typeofsyntax in token extraction file. Regex is only matched inside text matched by main regex.
To match error regex in whole source code.
{% hint style="info" %} For errors related to a typeofsyntax, outside block should be inside typeofsyntax block.
For errors not related to any typeofsyntax, outside block should be used outside block {% endhint %}
Name of the error you want to match
Eg. TypeError, Syntax Error etc.
Regular expression to match error part of code
Details of error
Steps to resolve the error
regex: '{(?:(?!\}).)*"'
msg: "Can't use '\"' inside '{}'"
help: Asign constant to a variable and add that variable to fstring
regex: '{(?:(?!}).)*{'
msg: Cant't use nested curly brace
regex: 'class <var>\((?:(?!\)).)*\n'
msg: No Multiline
{% hint style="info" %} You can share your syntax in LangTrans Repos {% endhint %}