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TUM Moodle Downloader

A python-built web crawler to automate file downloads off of


  • Python (>= 3.9) including pip installed and available via the command line.


  • Clone or download this repository to your local file system.
  • Install all Python requirements specified in requirements.txt by running
    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
    from the projects directory.
    Note: use pip3, if pip is linked to python 2.x and same for python/3

Quick Start

  • $ python3 src/ download
    to download resources from Moodle based on your configuration in src/course_config.json (see the section below for more information on the configuration)

  • $ python3 src/ download course
    to download resources from the specified Moodle course based on your configuration in src/course_config.json

  • $ python3 src/ download course file_pattern destination
    to download resources which match the file_pattern from course to a destination path

  • $ python3 src/ list [course] to list available resources of the specified course or, if no course is specified, list available courses for your Moodle account

  • $ python3 src/ -h
    for general help on how to use the program

  • $ python3 src/ list -h
    for help concerning the list command

  • $ python3 src/ download -h
    for help concerning the download command

  • Note:

    • Upon running one of the commands you will be prompted to enter your Moodle credentials. The username will be stored in a credentials.json in the src directory. You may also manually add your password to the credentials.json, if you don't want to type it every time you run the script. This is discouraged though as your password will be stored in plain text!
    • Use python or py instead of python3 on Windows.


You can configure from which courses which files should be downloaded and where they should be stored by editing the file course_config.json in the src directory. Additionally, you can specify what should happen, if the file which is to be downloaded already exists at the specified destination path. The download configuration is specified in download_config.json, which is located in the same src directory.

How the configuration works shall be explained via the following example:

  • Example contents of course_config.json:
    "course_name": "Analysis für Informatik",
    "semester": "WS19_20",
    "rules": [
        "file_pattern": "Hausaufgabe.*",
        "destination": "C:\\Users\\<yourUsername>\\Documents\\Uni\\Analysis\\Hausaufgaben",
        "update_handling": "update"
        "file_pattern": ".*E-Test.*",
        "destination": "C:\\Users\\<yourUsername>\\Documents\\Uni\\Analysis\\E-Tests",
        "update_handling": "replace"
    "course_name": "Numerisches Programmieren",
    "semester": "WS19_20",
    "rules": [
        "file_pattern": "(Übungsblatt.*|Musterlösung Blatt.*)",
        "destination": "C:\\Users\\<yourUsername>\\Documents\\Uni\\NumProg\\Übungen\\",
        "update_handling": "add"
  • Upon running $ python src/ download the program goes through the configuration objects for the different courses one by one. For each course all available resources are checked against the rules specified for the course. If a resource name matches a pattern specified in one of the rules, the resource is downloaded to the destination path defined by that rule (no other rules are applied to that resource afterwards). If the resource already exists locally, the specified update_handling is applied.

  • In the example at hand all resources of the course "Analysis für Informatik [MA0902]" of which the name starts with "Hausaufgabe" are downloaded to the folder "C:\Users\<yourUsername>\Documents\Uni\Analysis\Hausaufgaben". If the respective file already exists, it is replaced in this case. Resources of which the name contains "E-Test" will be downloaded the destination defined by the respective rule. In this case the download is skipped, if the file already exists. Resources of the course "Numerisches Programmieren (IN0019)" which either start with "Übungsblatt" or with "Musterlösung Blatt" will be downloaded to "C:\Users\<yourUsername>\Documents\Uni\NumProg\Übungen". Here a new version of the file is added (e.g. Übungsblatt 12 (1).pdf), if the file already exists at the specified destination.

  • Important: resources from courses which are not listed in the configuration file or resources for which none of the rules apply are not downloaded.

  • Options for the update_handling are:

    • "update" --> if the online resource has a newer modification date than the local copy, the local version gets updated. Otherwise, the download is skipped.
    • "skip" --> the download is skipped, if the file already exists locally
    • "replace" --> existing local files are simply overridden by the download
    • "add" --> a new version in the form "filename (versionnumber).extension" is added to the specified destination, if the file already exists locally
    • If nothing is specified for the update_handling, existing local files are overridden
  • Note:

    • Running $ python src/ download "Analysis für Informatik" downloads only the resources for the course "Analyis für Informatik" based on the configuration file.
    • Use ".*" as the pattern for the last rule, if you want files for which none of the other rules apply to be downloaded.
    • The pattern matching is based on Regular Expressions aka RegEx
    • The course name only needs to be a substring of the full course name. If multiple of your Moodle courses match the specified course name, currently only the first one that is found will be taken into account.
    • Currently the value specified for the semester is not used.
  • Example contents of download_config.json:

    "parallel_downloads": true

As stated in the debug message parallel_downloads makes the logging less readable, but greatly improves execution time.


  • $ python src/ list "Analysis für Informatik" will list all resources of the course Analysis für Informatik available for download.

  • $ python src/ list -f "Analysis für Informatik" will list all files of the course Analysis für Informatik available for download.

  • $ python src/ download "Analysis für Informatik" "Hausaufgabe 10" "~/Documents/Uni/WS19/Analysis/Hausaufgaben" will search the user's courses for Analysis für Informatik and find a matching course (e.g. "Analysis für Informatik [MA0902]"). In this example, the script will search for Hausaufgabe 10 and find the assignment "Hausaufgabe 10 und Präsenzaufgaben der Woche". The script will then navigate to the assignment's page and download the associated file: "Blatt10.pdf", which will then be saved in the specified path ~/Documents/Uni/WS19/Analysis/Hausaufgaben.

  • $ python src/ download "Analysis für Informatik" "Hausaufgabe.*" "~/Documents/Uni/WS19/Analysis/Hausaufgaben"
    similar to above, however, finds multiple files that start with Hausaufgabe and downloads them all.


A python-built web crawler to automate file downloads from






  • Python 100.0%