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Author Bias Computation and Scientometric Plotting

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ABCal is a menu-driven module used to calculate and quantify potential author bias in studies included in a review or meta-analysis. The menu guides you through the steps of creating a list of authors from a table of authors for each paper (see Examples) to calculating the number of total articles each author contributed to. The overall author contributions are then summed to determine the level of potential bias in the literature through an over-representation of specific authors. With the latest update some functionality has been added for plotting various aspects relevant to the scientometrics appraisal of included literature for reviews or meta-analyses, specifically the ability to visualise publications by year and location as well as the top contributing authors. Theoretical Framework

Cite as: Le Clercq, L.S. ABCal: a Python package for Author Bias Computation and Scientometric Plotting for Reviews and Meta-Analyses (2023). Scientometrics. DOI: 10.1007/s11192-023-04880-6

Preprint: Le Clercq, L.S. ABCal: a Python package for Author Bias Computation and Scientometric Plotting for Reviews and Meta-Analyses (2023). BioRviv. DOI: 10.1101/2023.11.07.565991


  • Python >= 3.6
  • Numpy >= 1.20.1
  • Pandas >= 1.2.4
  • SciPy >= 1.6.2
  • Geopy >= 2.3.0
  • MatPlotLib >= 3.3.4
  • Statsmodels >= 0.12.2
  • Folium >= 0.14.0


After downloading and extracting the zip archive ABCal can be implemented in by navigating to the directory and using one of two methods:



python install
python -m abcal

-> This option will install the relevant dependencies automatically

A pre-compiled stand-alone Windows executable is also available. DOI

Main menu

The following options are available through the main menu:

Choose one of the following options?
   a) Calculate Author bias
   b) Calibrate Author bias
   c) Check normality of Author bias distribution
   d) Get upper/lower quartiles of Author bias
   e) Create plots
   f) Get descriptive/summary statistics
   q) Quit

input is given as lower case 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', or 'q' e.g.

Choice: a

a) Calculate Author bias (STEP 1)

  • Takes table of authors as input e.g. Example_Authors.csv


Paper Author_1 Author_2 Author_3 Author_4
Paper 1 Author A Author B Author C Author D
Paper 2 Author E Author B Author D NaN
Paper 3 Author B Author F Author C Author D
  • Asks for output file name for number of publications/count per author e.g. Example_Author Counts.csv (useful for checking duplicates)
  • Asks for output file name for individual bias e.g. Example_Individual Bias.csv
  • Replaces authors with the proportions of the literature contributed by each author and writes a new column 'Bias' that refects the sum of proportions
  • Asks for output file name for author bias per paper e.g. Example_Paper Bias

b) Calibrate Author bias (STEP 2)

  • Takes output from STEP 1 as input file and asks for the new output file name e.g. Example_Paper Bias.csv
  • Writes a new column 'Cal.Bias' that reflects the paper author bias (sum) divided by the number of authors on the paper
  • Asks for output file name for calibrated author bias per paper e.g. Example_Paper Bias (Calibrated).csv

c) Check normality of Author bias distribution (STEP 3)

  • Takes output from STEP 2 as input file and checks normality in one of 3 ways based on menu choice.
Choose one of the following options?
   a) Shapiro-Wilk
   b) QQ Plot
   c) Histogram
   q) Quit
Option a) Shapiro-Wilk:
  • Tests for normality using the Shapiro-Wilk test and writes a new file 'Normality.txt' that contains estimates on if the author bias follows a normal distribution (typically it is not normally distributed in most cases)
Test of Normality:
Shapiro-Wilk: 0.828
P-value: 7.557426579296589e-05 ***
Result: Not Normal

(* p-value<0.05, ** p-value<0.02, *** p-value<0.01)

Option b) QQ Plot:
  • Plots the theoretical quantile distributions to the sample quantile distribution.

  • If blue values fall on red line they follow a normal distribution, if blue values fall on a horizontal line they are evenly distributed.

Option c) Histogram:
  • Plots the bias estimates by count as a histogram to verify clustering or a possible bell shaped distribution (normal distribution).

e.g. Histogram of bias values

d) Get upper/lower quartiles of Author bias (STEP 4)

  • Takes output from STEP 2 as input file and writes a new file 'Quantiles.txt' that contains the lower 3rd, middle, and upper 3rd of the normalised bias values
The Quatiles are:

Min  0.0008
Max: 0.0521

Q33: 0.0081
Q50: 0.0267
Q66: 0.0425

The Levels are:

Low:     0.0008 to 0.0081
Medium:  0.0081 to 0.0425
High:    0.0425 to 0.0521
  • Asks for name of output file e.g. Example_final.csv with an added column that indicates the 'Level' of a paricular paper as 'Low' for the lower 3rd, 'Medium' for the middle, and 'High' for the upper 3rd

e) Create plots

  • Brings up the plots menu for scientometric analyses and visualisation of attributes of included studies.
Choose one of the following options?
   a) Plot by Year
   b) Plot by Authors
   c) Plot by Location
   d) Plot z-values of Calibrated Bias
   q) Quit
a) Plot by Year:
  • Takes a table/csv ("Example_Year.csv") as input with a column for the study name (Paper) and a column for the publication time (Year).


Paper Year
Paper 1 2014
Paper 30 2022
  • Generates a histogram with the number of publications per year named "Year Plot".

e.g., Year Plot

b) Plot by Authors:
  • Takes the first table given as output in STEP 1 (Example_Author Counts.csv) and returns a plot of the top (N) authors and the number of publications/studies they contributed, named "Year plot".

e.g., Author Plot

c) Plot by Location:
  • Takes a table/csv ("Example_Locations.csv") as input with a column for the study name (Paper) and a column for the study site (Location).


Paper Location
Paper 1 United States
Paper 30 France
  • Generates a chloropleth map with the number of publications per country indicated, named "Location plot". The lowest is indicated in green and is scaled according to the data with the maximum indicated in red. Countries that are blank are data deficient.

e.g., Location plot

d) Plot z-values of Calibrated Bias:
  • Takes output from calibration step (b) as input.
  • Generates a boxplot of the z-score normalised bias estimates for the included publications, named "Bias plot".


Bias plot

f) Get descriptive/summary statistics

  • Takes output from author bias calibration step and/or z-value plotting as input.
  • Generates descriptive statistics for columns in files.


Bias Cal.Bias Z-Score
count 67 67 67
mean 0.023613277 0.004086097 -2.10E-16
std 0.01601255 0.002039446 1.007547277
min 0.002487562 0.002487562 -0.789723972
25% 0.013681592 0.002487562 -0.789723972
50% 0.019900498 0.00331675 -0.380080644
75% 0.031094527 0.004975124 0.439206012
max 0.111940299 0.012437811 4.125995962

q) Quit

  • Exits ABCal.


Le Clercq, L.S., Kotzé, A., Grobler, J.P. and Dalton, D.L. Biological clocks as age estimation markers in animals: a systematic review and meta‐analysis (2023). Biological Reviews. DOI: 10.1111/brv.12992

Le Clercq, L.-S., Kotzé, A., Grobler, J.P., and Dalton, D.L. Dataset Generated in a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Biological Clocks as Age Estimation Markers in Animal Ecology (2023). Data in Brief. DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2023.109615