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Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation of the SLATS dataset with UVCGAN

This repository demonstrates the application of the unpaired image-to-image translation method UVCGAN (Paper, repo) to the domain translation problem, common in science.

This README file has two main parts. In the first part, we describe how to apply UVCGAN to the translation of LArTPC detector responses, following the UVCGAN4SLATS paper: Unsupervised Domain Transfer for Science: Exploring Deep Learning Methods for Translation between LArTPC Detector Simulations with Differing Response Models.

In the second part, we provide a tutorial on how to apply UVCGAN to any domain translation problem. This part intends to provide you with a roadmap for adapting UVCGAN for your project. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter any challenges in the process.


We have released a new and improved version of UVCGAN -- UVCGANv2 -- that delivers outstanding results on photographic datasets (CelebA-HQ and AFHQ).

You don't want to miss out on this upgrade, so go ahead and check it out! (paper, repo)

Installation and requirements


uvcgan4slats models were trained under the official PyTorch container pytorch/pytorch:1.12.1-cuda11.3-cudnn8-runtime. A similar training environment can be created by running the following command from the uvcgan4slats source folder.

conda env create -f contrib/conda_env.yml

Activate the environment by running

conda activate uvcgan4slats


To install the uvcgan4slats package, run the following command from the uvcgan4slats source folder.

python develop --user

Make sure to run setup in the uvcgan4slats conda environment.


The working of uvcgan4slats depends on the toytools package. Download and install the package by running the following commands:

git clone
cd toytools
python develop --user

The setup command must be run in the uvcgan4slats conda environment.

Note: if you run the setup commands above with sudo, please remove --user.

Environment Setup

uvcgan4slats uses extensively two environment variables: UVCGAN_DATA to locate the dataset and UVCGAN_OUTDIR to save the output. Users are advised to set these environment variables. uvcgan4slats will look for datasets in the ${UVCGAN_DATA} directory and will save results under the ${UVCGAN_OUTDIR} directory. If these variables are not set, they will default to ./data and ./outdir, respectively. To set up the environment variables, run the following commands


Neutrino Detector Response Translation

The SLATS Dataset

The Simple Liquid Argon Track Samples (SLATS) dataset was created from simulated neutrino events in a Liquid Argon Time-Projection Chamber (LArTPC) detector. The dataset contains two domains of events, each corresponding to a specific detector response function.

The unpaired image-to-image translation method UVCGAN is used to find two mappings G_ab and G_ba. Each mapping can take a neutrino event from one domain, modify its detector response, and make it look like a neutrino event from the other domain.

The training of the G_ab and G_ba mappings is performed in a fully unsupervised (unpaired) way. But, to facilitate the evaluation of the quality of translation, the SLATS dataset also contains explicit pairing between the events of the two domains.

In this section, we describe how to download the SLATS dataset, and how to use UVCGAN to perform its domain translation.

Download SLATS and pre-trained models

The datasets and pretrained models can be downloaded directly from the Zenodo website, or use the downloading scripts:

  • datasets:

    • SLATS tiles (256 x 256 images):
    ./scripts/ tiles
    • SLATS center crops (768 x 5888 images):
    ./scripts/ center_crops

    The datasets will be saved at ${UVCGAN_DATA}/slats/slats_[tiles,center_crops] or ./data/slats/slats_[tiles,center_crops] if UVCGAN_DATA is unset.

    Note that the SLATS center crops are not used for training UVCGAN. We provide the dataset so you can try developing more efficient and powerful networks for much larger images πŸ˜‰

  • models: To download trained models on SLATS, run


    The files will be saved at ${UVCGAN_OUTDIR}/slats/pretrained or ./outdir/slats/pretrained if UVCGAN_OUTDIR is unset.

Run inference with pre-trained translators

To run an inference with pre-trained translators, run the following command in the uvcgan4slats source folder


If the pretrained models are downloaded using the downloading script, PATH_TO_PRETRAINED_MODELS here is either ${UVCGAN_OUTDIR}/slats/pretrained or ./outdir/slats/pretrained if UVCGAN_OUTDIR is unset.

The results are saved to PATH_TO_PRETRAINED_MODELS/evals/final/ndarrays_eval-test. In it are six subfolders:

  • fake_a and fake_b: translated images. More precisely, let G_ab be the translator from domain a to domain b and let x be an image from domain a, then G_ab(x) will be found in fake_b.
  • real_a and real_b: true images from their respective domains.
  • reco_a and reco_b: cyclically reconstructed images. More precisely, let G_ba be the translator from domain b to domain a, then G_ba(G_ab(x)) will be found in reco_a.

We can use ./scripts/ to compare pairs of images. Denote the result folder by RESULT, then we can run the following command to generate 20 plots comparing translations to the targets. The resulting plots will be saved to the folder ./comp_images.

python ./scripts/ RESULT/fake_b RESULT/real_b \
  ./comp_images -n 20 --log --symmetric

We use --log here to plot in log or symlog scale and use --symmetric to indicate that the values are symmetric around zero. We need those two parameters for SLATS images, but it may not be the case for other grayscale images. Here are three samples produced by ./scripts/ comparing the UVCGAN translation (on the left) to the target (on the right).

Train your own model

In this part, we demonstrate how to train UVCGAN model on your dataset. We will discuss three topics: Prepare the dataset, Pre-train the generators (optional), and Train I2I translation.

For the generator pre-training and image-to-image translation training, we will use SLATS scripts as examples:


We recommend the following approach when adapting UVCGAN to you needs. Start with one of the provided example scripts. Make minimal modifications to make it work for your problem. Once it is working, further customize the model configuration to achieve the best results.

0. Dataset

Please organized your dataset as follows:

β”œβ”€β”€ train
β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ DOMAIN_A
β”‚Β Β  └── DOMAIN_B
└── test
    β”œβ”€β”€ DOMAIN_A
    └── DOMAIN_B

where PATH/TO/YOUR/DATASET is the path to your dataset and DOMAIN_A and DOMAIN_B are the domain names.

To make the training scripts, and, work with your dataset, they will require minimal modifications. In essence, each script contains a Python dictionary describing the training configuration. You would need to modify the data section of that dictionary to make it work with your dataset. The exact modification will depend on the format of your dataset.

0.1 Natural images

This repository is primarily focused on scientific datasets. If your dataset is made of natural images in common formats (jpeg, png, webp, etc.), you may find it more useful to take one of the UVCGAN or UVCGANv2 training scripts as a starting point.

To make those scripts work with your dataset, simply modify the path parameter of the data configuration. The path should point to the location of your dataset on a disk.

0.2 Compressed NumPy arrays (*.npz)

We provide two examples of the data configurations that support the loading of npz arrays:

  1. Plain loading of NumPy arrays. The script demonstrates data configuration, suitable for loading NumPy arrays. This script loads data samples from the SLATS dataset.
  2. Loading NumPy and performing additional transformations. The script shows an example of the data configuration supporting user-defined transformations. This script is adapted from the BRaTS 2021 Task 1 dataset.
  3. Customized dataset. If you are working with a custom dataset that does not fall into the previous two categories, you will need to implement your PyTorch dataset and place it to ./uvcgan/data/datasets. Then, modify the select_dataset function of ./uvcgan/data/ to support the usage of the custom dataset.

1. Pretraining (optional but recommended)

Unpaired image-to-image translation presents a significant challenge. As such, it may be advantageous to start the training with prepared networks, rather than randomly initialized ones. And the advantage of pre-training is confirmed by multiple works (see section 5.3 of the UVCGAN paper for more information).

There are a number of ways to pre-training. Here for SLATS, we use the BERT-like pretraining approach. We subdivide each image into a grid of 32 x 32 blocks and randomly replace all values in 40% of the blocks with zero. Then, we train a generator to fill in the blanks on the two domains jointly. This generator is then used to initialize both generators for translation training. For more detail on pre-training on SLATS, see section 3.3.1 of the UVCGAN4SLATS paper.

The script can be used for SLATS pre-training. If you need to adapt this script for your dataset, consider the modification of the following configuration options:

  • data configuration, or for simpler cases, just
  • label: label for this version of pre-training (will be used to name a subfolder in outdir)
  • outdir: output directory (will contain a subfolder named by label)

The generator pre-training can be started with:

python ./scripts/slats/

The type of the generator and batch size can be configured using command-line flags --gen and --batch_size, respectively. All the other parameters (e.g. generator/discriminator, optimizer, scheduler, masking, etc.) can be modified directly in the script.

2. Training

Similar to the pre-training, you can initiate the SLATS I2I translation training with the script

Likewise, to modify this script for your dataset, change the following configuration options:

  • data configuration, or for simpler cases just
  • label: label for this version of training (will be used to name a subfolder in outdir)
  • outdir: output directory (will contain a subfolder named by label)
  • transfer: The transfer configuration specifies how to load the pre-trained generators. If you chose not to use a pre-trained model, set this option to None. Otherwise, modify the path to the pre-trained model.

The translation training can be started with:

python ./scripts/slats/

2.1 Key hyper-parameters for optimal performance

Please consider tuning the following parameters for better results:

  1. cycle-consistency loss coefficient --lambda-cycle: Equal to $\lambda_{\textrm{cyc}}$ in section 3.1 of the UVCGAN paper, and $\lambda_{a}$ and $\lambda_{b}$ in section 3.3.2 of the UVCGAN4SLATS paper.
  2. learning rates --lr-gen and --lr-disc: See the dicussion in section 3.3.2 of the UVCGAN4SLATS paper.
  3. discriminator gradient penalty --gp-constant and --gp-lambda: In section 3.3 of the UVCGAN paper and section 3.3.2 of the UVCGAN4SLATS paper, we have gp-constant $=\gamma$ and gp-lambda $=\lambda_{\textrm{GP}}$.


Unpaired Image Translation for Neutrino Experiements







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