This repository intends on providing data and code for analyzing the connectivity and the impact of roads on Golden Lion Tamarin (Leontopithecus rosalia) populations. This files are supplementary material for the article:
Ascencao, F; Niebuhr, BB; Moraes, A; Alexandre, BR; Assis, JC; Alves-Eigenheer, MA; Ribeiro, JW; Morais-JR, MM; Martins, AF; Oliveira, A; Moraes, E; Ramos, JH; Ferraz, LP; Dietz, JM; Lorini, ML; Culot, L; Ruiz-Miranda, CR; Ribeiro, MC. End of the line for the Golden-lion tamarin? A single road threatens 30 years of conservation efforts. Conservation Science and Practice.
All the maps of landscape metrics (patch size, functionally connected area, edges) generated for this study are available upon request for Bernardo Niebuhr <>.