An Elevation mapping package using capabilities of GPU, Pointclouds and No-Copy Message Publishing from ROS.
- Use Stereocamera-generated RGB Pointclouds and the PointCloud Library as mediums of perception for mapping the environment
- Understand and use ROS Nodelets.
- Identify parallelizable parts of code.
- Use appropriate CUDA Libraries achieve desired parallelization.
- Use ROS Tf2 package for synchronization of odom/map-baselink transfroms.
- Use ROS Nodelets for zero copy message passing between nodes.
- Use Linear transformation to bring Pointcloud from Rover to Map frame.
- Use cubalsSgemm() to accelerate the matrix multiplication.
- Use grid_map_msgs for making the elevation map.
Testing is currently done on Gazebo Simulations using the package provided by the European Rover Challenge 2022.