This is a backend developed for a Blogging site using nodejs, expressjs and mongoDB. It has several routes mainly divided into two parts- 1) User Route , 2) Blog Route.
Install dependencies with npm
npm install express,nodemon,dotenv,mongoose,bcrypt,jsonwebtoken
To run tests, run the following command
npm run server
after that postman or thunder client can be used to run the API's
POST /users/register
Parameter | Type | Description |
http//:localhost:3000/users/register |
string |
Required. This will help to register users and save it to database. |
POST /users/login
Parameter | Type | Description |
`` | string |
Required. http//:localhost:3000/users/login this will login the user and generate a token and a refresh token. |
POST /users/logout
T| Parameter | Type | Description |
| :-------- | :------- | :-------------------------------- |
| `` | string
| Required. http//:localhost:3000/users/logout this will logout the user and store the token in blacklist.|
POST /blogs/post
T| Parameter | Type | Description |
| :-------- | :------- | :-------------------------------- |
| `` | string
| Required. http//:localhost:3000/blogs/post this will post new blogs and save it to database.|
GET /blogs/get
T| Parameter | Type | Description |
| :-------- | :------- | :-------------------------------- |
| `` | string
| Required. http//:localhost:3000/blogs/get this will get all the post the user has created and display it.|
PATCH /blogs/update/${blogID}
T| Parameter | Type | Description |
| :-------- | :------- | :-------------------------------- |
| `` | string
| Required. http//:localhost:3000/blogs/update/${blogID} this will update the post the user has created using the id of the blog and display it.|
DELETE /blogs/delete/${blogID}
T| Parameter | Type | Description |
| :-------- | :------- | :-------------------------------- |
| `` | string
| Required. http//:localhost:3000/blogs/delete/${blogID} this will delete the post the user has created using the id of the blog.|
DELETE /blogs/deleteMod/${blogID}
T| Parameter | Type | Description |
| :-------- | :------- | :-------------------------------- |
| `` | string
| Required. http//:localhost:3000/blogs/deleteMod/${blogID} this will delete the post the user has created using the id of the blog.It is only accessible by Moderator|