Samuel Gerber, Maeliss Jallais, Hastings Greer, Matt McCormick, Sean Montgomery, Bradley Freeman, Deborah Kane, Deepak Chittajallu, Neal Siekierski, Stephen Aylward
Accepted for publication in the 2017 MICCAI Portable Ultrasound Workshop
We present an algorithm to automatically estimate the di- ameter of the optic nerve sheath from ocular ultrasound images. The optic nerve sheath diameter provides a proxy for measuring intracra- nial pressure, a life threating condition frequently associated with head trauma. Early treatment of elevated intracranial pressures greatly im- proves outcomes and drastically reduces the mortality rate. We demon- strate that the proposed algorithm combined with a portable ultrasound device presents a viable path for early detection of elevated intracra- nial pressure in remote locations and without access to trained medical imaging experts.