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Releases: KitKat4191/UdonKeypad

v2021. r3.5

16 Sep 17:08
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Please join the Discord server for help.

New Changes:

This release is OPTIONAL and is only necessary to upgrade if you are having problems with Unity 2019 and scripts missing. If you are not having problems then you do not need to upgrade to this version.

  • Formal 2019.04.29f1 release, which should in theory fix the problem of missing scripts.
  • TeleportProgram included by default, so people don't have to type it out.
  • Missing door is now a warning instead of an error.


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The download link is no longer active! Please download via the unitypackage instead!

v.2021. r.3.4

14 Jul 19:46
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The build can be downloaded from the storage server. Please join the Discord server for help or if the distribution servers are down.

New Changes:

This release is OPTIONAL and is only neccesary to upgrade if you need the scripting feature. If you do not need this feature then you do not need to upgrade.

  • Scripting: The Keypad will now set an optional variable keypadCode with the entered code. This can be used to identify which code was entered, and to activate different actions depending on the code.


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v.2021. r.3.3

19 Apr 21:24
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The build can be downloaded from the storage server. Please join the Discord server for help or if the distribution servers are down.

New Changes:

  • Added the ability to specify multiple solutions, multiple doors, and allow different codes to unlock different doors.
  • 🔊 Added sound support. Play a custom AudioClip when Granted, Denied, or when a Button is pressed.


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v.2021. r.3.2

25 Mar 14:46
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The build can be downloaded from the storage server. Please join the Discord server for help or if the distribution servers are down.

New Changes:

  • Added "Allow List". Allow list works as a traditional whitelist, any username on that list will get accepted no matter which code they type, or if they type none at all. Note, they still have to press the OK button.
  • Added "Deny List". This works in reverse of Allow List, any username on this list will get denied even if they type the correct code. They will get the exact same message as if they typed an incorrect code. Please use this sparingly and report troublesome people to VRChat support instead.


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v.2020. r.3.1

11 Feb 21:15
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The build can be downloaded from the storage server. Please contact Foorack#0001 on Discord if the distribution servers are down.

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