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The project is a web-based interactive guide focused on exploring game theory concepts related to trust and cooperation through the lens of the "Peace-War Game." It comprises HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files that collectively create an immersive user experience. The HTML files define the structure of the web interface, including elements for loading, the main slideshow, and footer components. Meanwhile, the JavaScript files orchestrate the functionality and behavior of the application, managing slides, transitions, and user interactions. The core content for translation is contained within a separate HTML file, which includes text content for titles, descriptions, instructions, and character profiles. The project aims to educate users about decision-making in scenarios of trust and conflict, particularly emphasizing the dynamics of iterated games, where repeated interactions between players influence strategic choices and outcomes. Through engaging visuals and interactive elements, the project seeks to provide a deeper understanding of trust dynamics and strategic thinking in social interactions.
Sound Effects:
- Coin insert by bassmosphere (CC Zero)
- Coin get! by plasterbrain (CC Zero)
- Evil Laugh by JohnsonBrandEditing (CC Zero)
- Slot machine by lukaso (CC Sampling+)
- click plink pop boop bonk by Owdeo (CC BY-NC)
- Swoosh by aglinder (CC Zero)
- Squeaky Toy by survivalzombie (CC Zero)
- Thump by Brokenphono (CC Zero)
Open Source Libraries:
- PIXI.js for rendering graphics
- Howler.js for the audio
- Tween.js for tweening animation
- Balloon.css for pop-up tooltips
- Q for promises
- Pegasus for XHR
Font: Futura Handwritten by Bill Snyder