Added PlaceholderAPI support for tab
pingInt config value is now obsolete and will no longer serve any purpose or work, from now on all the ping and player name configurations are located inside PlayerTabName value:
PlayerTabName: "&f{playerName} &7[{ping}]"
Now you can add PlaceholderAPI to it like this:
PlayerTabName: "%luckperms_prefix% &f{playerName} &7[{ping}]"
This will display players prefix from luckperms plugin, which you can use to create ranks, you can also use PlaceholderAPI in other texts that are for Tab also, but chat welcome messages still don't support PlaceholderAPI I will implement that in the future.
This plugin now softdepends on PlaceholderAPI plugin, which means it will work without it, but it requires PlaceholderAPI installed if you plan to use prefixes from PlaceholderAPI e.g. %luckperms_prefix%
Don't forget to reconfigure the PlayerTabName so it looks like you want or what your pingInt configuration looked like, this part you have to do manually.