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Experiments is a framework designed to facilitate the setup of A/B testing infrastructure. It offers methods for defining remote keys and values, along with services to interact with them.

Currently, the framework supports a Firebase Remote Configs service, but you can define your own by conforming to the necessary protocols.

Defining values and keys


Key is something that conforms to protocol RemoteKey:

public protocol RemoteKey {
    var name: String { get }
    var valueType: RemoteValue.Type { get }

The recommended approach is to use enum for this:

enum Key: String, CaseIterable, RemoteKey {

    case paywallType = "paywall_type"
    case aFeatureEnabled = "a_feature_enabled"

    var name: String {

    var valueType: RemoteValue.Type {
        switch self {
        case .paywallType:
        case .aFeatureEnabled:

Here RemoteValue is a protocol with only one requirement:

public protocol RemoteValue {
    static var `default`: Self { get }

default value is the one that will be used by the app, if it failed to retrieve remote values. We can call it in-app default / baseline value


Currenly only flows with values that are created from Bool or String are supported. Craetion from Int / JSON will be possibly added later.
There are 4 use-cases for remote values:

  1. String Remote Value. Use when you need a multivariant remote value
  2. Bool Remote Value. Use when you need enabled / disabled remote value
  3. (Advacned) Baseline String Remote Value. Use when you need a multivariant remote value and overriding of the in-app default / baseline.
  4. (Advanced) Baseline Bool Remote Value. Use when you need enabled / disabled remote value and overriding of the in-app default / baseline.

Experiments framework provides macros to help you define your remote values, which are heighly recommended, but not obligatory. Below, both variants will be shown.

Non macros way Macros way
String Remote Value
enum PaywallType: String, CaseIterable, StringInitializableRemoteValue {
    case a, b, c
Override `default`
enum PaywallType: String, CaseIterable, StringInitializableRemoteValue {
    case a, b, c

    static let `default`: Self = .b
enum PaywallType: String {
    case a, b, c
Override `default`
enum PaywallType: String {
    case a, b, c

    static let `default`: Self = .b
Bool Remote Value
enum AFeatureEnabled: CaseIterable, BoolEnumRemoteValue {
    case enabled
    case disabled
Override `default`
enum AFeatureEnabled: CaseIterable, BoolEnumRemoteValue {
    case enabled
    case disabled

    static let `default`: Self = .enabled
enum AFeatureEnabled { }
Override `default`
enum AFeatureEnabled {
    static let `default`: Self = .enabled


@BoolRemoteValue(enabledByDefault: true)
enum AFeatureEnabled { }
Baseline String Remote Value
struct StringBaselineTest: CaseIterable, BaselineStringRemoteValue {

    enum Variant: String, CaseIterable, StringInitializableRemoteValue {
        case a, b, c

    let baseline: Bool
    let variant: Variant

    init(baseline: Bool, variant: Variant) {
        self.baseline = baseline
        self.variant = variant

    init?(name: String) {
        let baseline = name.hasSuffix("_baseline")
        let name = baseline ? String(name.dropLast("_baseline".count)) : name
        guard let variant = Variant(name: name) else {
            return nil
        self.baseline = baseline
        self.variant = variant

    var name: String {

    static var allCases: [StringBaselineTest] {
        Variant.allCases.flatMap {
                StringBaselineTest(baseline: true, variant: $0),
                StringBaselineTest(baseline: false, variant: $0)
Override `default`
struct StringBaselineTest: CaseIterable, BaselineStringRemoteValue {

    enum Variant: String, CaseIterable, StringInitializableRemoteValue {
        case a, b, c

    let baseline: Bool
    let variant: Variant

    init(baseline: Bool, variant: Variant) {
        self.baseline = baseline
        self.variant = variant

    init?(name: String) {
        let baseline = name.hasSuffix("_baseline")
        let name = baseline ? String(name.dropLast("_baseline".count)) : name
        guard let variant = Variant(name: name) else {
            return nil
        self.baseline = baseline
        self.variant = variant

    var name: String {

    static var allCases: [StringBaselineTest] {
        Variant.allCases.flatMap {
                StringBaselineTest(baseline: true, variant: $0),
                StringBaselineTest(baseline: false, variant: $0)

    static let `default`: Self = StringBaselineTest(baseline: true, variant: .b)
struct StringBaselineTestMacro {

    enum Variant: String {
        case a, b, c
Override `default`
struct StringBaselineTestMacro {

    enum Variant: String {
        case a, b, c

        static let `default`: Self = .b
Baseline Bool Remote Value
struct BoolBaselineTest: CaseIterable, BaselineBoolRemoteValue {

    let baseline: Bool
    let isEnabled: Bool

    init(baseline: Bool, isEnabled: Bool) {
        self.baseline = baseline
        self.isEnabled = isEnabled

    init?(name: String) {
        let baseline = name.hasSuffix("_baseline")
        let name = baseline ? String(name.dropLast("_baseline".count)) : name
        let isEnabled: Bool? = if name == "true" {
        } else if name == "false" {
        } else {

        guard let isEnabled else { return nil }

        self.baseline = baseline
        self.isEnabled = isEnabled

    var name: String {
        isEnabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"

    static var allCases: [BoolBaselineTest] {
            BoolBaselineTest(baseline: true, isEnabled: true),
            BoolBaselineTest(baseline: false, isEnabled: true),
            BoolBaselineTest(baseline: false, isEnabled: true),
            BoolBaselineTest(baseline: false, isEnabled: false)
Override `default`
struct BoolBaselineTest: CaseIterable, BaselineBoolRemoteValue {

    let baseline: Bool
    let isEnabled: Bool

    init(baseline: Bool, isEnabled: Bool) {
        self.baseline = baseline
        self.isEnabled = isEnabled

    init?(name: String) {
        let baseline = name.hasSuffix("_baseline")
        let name = baseline ? String(name.dropLast("_baseline".count)) : name
        let isEnabled: Bool? = if name == "true" {
        } else if name == "false" {
        } else {

        guard let isEnabled else { return nil }

        self.baseline = baseline
        self.isEnabled = isEnabled

    var name: String {
        isEnabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"

    static var allCases: [BoolBaselineTest] {
            BoolBaselineTest(baseline: true, isEnabled: true),
            BoolBaselineTest(baseline: false, isEnabled: true),
            BoolBaselineTest(baseline: false, isEnabled: true),
            BoolBaselineTest(baseline: false, isEnabled: false)

    static let `default`: Self = BoolBaselineTest(baseline: truee, isEnabled; false)
struct BoolBaselineTestMacro { }
Override `default`
@BaselineBoolRemoteValue(enabledByDefault: true)
struct BoolBaselineTestMacro { }

Using RemoteValuesNamespace macro, you can encapsulate all remote values in namespace and avoid using macros with every declaration:

enum Remote {

    enum Value {

        struct PaywallType {

            enum Variant: String {
                case a, b, c

        struct AFeatureEnabled { }

        // use only to override default
        @BaselineBoolRemoteValue(enabledByDefault: true)
        struct BFeatureEnabled { }

        enum CFeatureEnabled { }

        enum OnboardingType: String {
            case x, y, z

will expand to:

enum Remote {

    enum Value {

        struct PaywallType {

            enum Variant: String {
                case a, b, c

        struct AFeatureEnabled { }

        @BaselineBoolRemoteValue(enabledByDefault: true)
        struct BFeatureEnabled { }

        enum CFeatureEnabled { }

        enum OnboardingType: String {
            case x, y, z

Using services

To work with remote keys / values you've defined, you can use RemoteConfigService. It is a class that only requires some RemoteConfigKeeper.
There is one ready-to-use class FirebaseRemoteConfigService, that uses instance of FirebaseRemoteConfigKeeper.

The instance of FirebaseRemoteConfigService should be kept as singleton in your app, as it has its local state.

Algorithm is the following:

  1. Use fetch() method and wait for the completion (it will fetch config from the Firebase)
  2. To setup some kind of analytics groups, track missing keys / incorrect values, use getValues(for:) method (eg.: getValues(for: RemoteKey.allCases))
  3. You can later use methods remoteValue(for:) or remoteValuePublisher(for:) to retrieve value / publisher for remote key


RemoteConfigService has several open methods you probably would like to override:

  • trackKeyNotFound - is called when performing getValues(for:) for missing key
  • trackKeysNotFound - is called after performing getValues(for:) for all missing keys
  • trackIncorrectValue - is called when performing getValues(for:) for valid key but corrupted value
  • trackIncorrectValues - is called after performing getValues(for:) for valid key but corrupted value
  • trackExperimentalGroup - is called when performing getValues(for:) for valid remote value, if it conforms to ExperimentalGroupTrackable
  • debugValue(for:) - if your app uses some kind of debug mechanism and this method does not return nil, the returned value will be used instead of real from Firebase.
  • customValue(for:) - if you app needs some custom value logic, you can override this method for some particular key and return nil in other cases. This method overrides logic of debugValue(for:) method and real value