Project 1 for COMP30023 - Computer Systems, Deadlock detection and breaking.
The basic implementation involves determining the current resourse allocation of the files and processes to identify whether a deadlock will occur. If there is no deadlock, the minimum execution time of all the processes is calculated, while if a deadlock is detected, the processes that have to terminated are identified and terminated.
=============== START RESULTS TABLE ====================
Task 1: Process/file stats 1.00
Task 2: Execution time 3.0
Task 3: Deadlock detection 2.00
Task 4: Process termination (1 deadlock) 2.50
Task 5: Process termination (>1 deadlock) 2.0
Task 6: Challenge 1.5
Task 6: Challenge Report 0.25
Task 7: Quality of software practices 1
Task 8: Build quality 1
Project 1 (Total): 14.25
================ END RESULTS TABLE =====================
Assessor comments:
Excellent, descriptive commit messages
Good use of data structures
Well modularised
Good, descriptive comments
Report exists, is <= 50 words, simulation time improved on at least 1 case
Lacking explanation of why algorithm is better than default (-0.25)