This is a simple webserver + db docker setup, using 3 node.js services, postgres and nginx. There are 2 docker compose configs, one for local dev environment and one for production.
create .env file from .env.example.
Note: For production setup docker secrets can be implemented as for increased security.
cp .env.example .env
Local developement uses bind mount to make the code changes reflected between host machine and docker container. Individual service ports are also exposed to host machine.
docker compose up
Services user, orders and products will start listening on ports 3000
, 4000
and 5000
Press Ctrl + C
to stop the containers. Run docker compose down
to remove the containers.
Production envrioment includes dependencies in the docker image itself. And uses nginx as reverse proxy to route requests to respective services.
docker compose -f up -d
Webserver will start listening on port 80
with traffic for services user, orders and products managed according to request url path /users
, /orders
and /products
Postgresql port is not exposed to host machine for production setup. If temporary access to container is needed then open temporary container to expose the port.
docker run -it --rm --name postgres_exposer -p 5432:5432 --link postgres_exposer:postgres --net be-infra-task_api-db alpine/socat TCP-LISTEN:5432,fork,reuseaddr TCP-CONNECT:postgres:5432
docker compose -f logs -f
docker compose -f down