Real-Time Chat Application Welcome to Jomapp, a real-time chat application built with Django, Django Channels, and WebSockets. This project enables users to join chat rooms and communicate with each other in real-time. The application uses WebSockets for efficient, real-time message exchange, and supports basic functionalities like room creation, message sending, and authentication.
Features Real-time chat functionality using WebSockets and Django Channels. Create and join multiple chat rooms. Message history is displayed for each chat room. User authentication to send messages. Responsive design to support various screen sizes and devices. Real-time notifications for incoming messages. Tech Stack Backend: Django, Django Channels Frontend: HTML, CSS (Bootstrap for responsiveness) Real-time Communication: WebSockets Database: SQLite (default in Django, can be configured to use other databases) Channel Layer: Redis (for message brokering) Deployment: (Specify how you plan to deploy your app, e.g., Heroku, Docker, etc.) Installation Clone the repository First, clone the project repository to your local machine:
bash Copy code git clone Set up a virtual environment It's recommended to use a virtual environment to manage your project's dependencies:
bash Copy code cd jomapp python -m venv .venv source .venv/bin/activate # On Windows, use .venv\Scripts\activate Install dependencies Install the required dependencies listed in requirements.txt:
bash Copy code pip install -r requirements.txt Install Redis Since the project uses Django Channels with Redis for real-time message delivery, you will need to install Redis:
Install Redis on your local machine:
Download and install Redis for your system. Alternatively, you can use Docker to run Redis. Start Redis server (if using Redis locally):
bash Copy code redis-server Database Migrations Run the following commands to apply the necessary migrations for the database:
bash Copy code python migrate Create a superuser (optional) If you need an admin user to manage the application, run:
bash Copy code python createsuperuser Run the Development Server Finally, run the development server to see the application in action:
bash Copy code python runserver Visit in your web browser to access the app.