An extension library for Adafruit_CircuitPython_ServoKit that allows users to control the velocity of multiple positional servos in a synchronized fashion. The project aims to provide users more sophisticated levels of servo control without needing to develop the low level code. The package acts as a stand alone interpertuer providing execution and automatic handling of the following.
- Sending velocity arguments in units of deg/sec to positional servos
- Move multiple positional servos in a synchronized fashion over a fixed time interval
- enforce upper and lower limits for servo actuation range
Sending incrementally increasing (periodic) velocity arguments (in rads/sec) to positional servos and having them execute the prescribed velocities over a fixed time interval (in this case 1 sec) in a synchronous fashion. Notice in the second video (non-symmetrical case), the head joint rotates at half the rate of the tail joint.
- Rasberry Pi 3B+
- adafruit 16channel servo sheild
- 1 or more positional servos
- pip install r.requirments.txt
- pip install Synchronous_ServoKit
import Synchronous_ServoKit
# Define channel servo is connected to, accutation range, reset position, and desired units you would like to use
servo_one = Synchronous_ServoKit.configure(channel = 1, lower_servo_limit = 35, upper_servo_limit = 145, reset_position = 90, units='rads')
servo_two = Synchronous_ServoKit.configure(channel = 2, lower_servo_limit = 35, upper_servo_limit = 145, reset_position = 90, units='rads')
# Reset servo to there "home" reset positions
positions = Synchronous_ServoKit.reset(servo_one,servo_two)
# Define control arguments
speed_servo_one = 30; speed_servo_two = 30; execution_time = 1
arguments = speed_servo_one,speed_servo_two,execution_time
# Send arugments to be executed and get back new position
new_positions = Synchronous_ServoKit.execute(servo_one,servo_two,arguments)
After complettign installation and configuring your hardware import the package into your python script
import import Synchronous_ServoKit
Next, create an instance for each servo in your system and configure the following parameters for each of them.
Reference number
- This will determine what order your arguments need to be in
Channel Number
- This will assostate what channel the servo is connected
Joint Limits
- This will ensure that the servo stays within a given positonal range
Reset position
- The position you would like the servo to return to if the system is reset
Speed constant
- Obtained from specs on servo, speed constant = t/60deg, used to approximate the delay between 1deg steps
# Define channel servo is connected to, accutation range, reset position, ect servo_one = Synchronous_ServoKit.configure(channel = 1, lower_servo_limit = 35, upper_servo_limit = 145, reset_position = 90, units='rads') servo_two = Synchronous_ServoKit.configure(channel = 2, lower_servo_limit = 35, upper_servo_limit = 145, reset_position = 90, units='rads') servo_three = .... servo_four = .... ect ...
Now constuct your system by defining a variable, in this case I will define it is "system", which is an array contained each servo instance
system = [servo_one,servo_two,servo_three, ... ]
You can inspect the current system configuration by simply calling the get_info method. This will return a list of the parapemeters assosistaed with each servo defined in your system.
system_info = Synchronous_ServoKit.get_info(system)
You will notice that the current_positions of the servos will be listed as None, this will update after initating a system reset by simply writing
# move all servos in system to there reset_positions
# re-check system info
system_info = Synchronous_ServoKit.get_info(system)
The current_positions of each servo should now be equal to the reset_positions you defined. You can also check the info or position of an indivdual servo by writing
servo_one_info =
servo_one_position = servo_one.position
If you want to save the current system configuration to a file just use,file_name = 'Name of your system')
Now to reload this configuration
system = Synchronous_ServoKit.load(file_name = 'name of your system')
After completeting the steps above, you can now control your system using velosity arguments in a syrncounous fashion by simply writing
# Get current positions of servos
# Define speeds for each servo (units deg/sec) and an execution time (units = sec)
speed_servo_one = 30; speed_servo_two = -30; execution_time = 1
arguments = [speed_servo_one,speed_servo_two,speed_servo_three,.....]
# Send arugments to be executed and get back new position
# Get new positions of servos
You should verify the new positions agree with the arguments. It is recommend that you calibrate the system